Country : BB
Actor: safepay
Discovered: 2024-11-19 22:21:58.065943
Published: 2024-11-19 22:21:57.406208
Description : ZIP-330GB โ€“ Revenue $14.5 Million

Ransomware Victims โ€“ ALL
Other Victims by safepay

  • Victim: The victim in this case is, the official statistics agency of Barbados, which plays a crucial role in collecting and disseminating data for government planning and policy-making.
  • Actor: The ransomware gang identified as Safepay has been linked to various cyberattacks, including the recent incident involving This group is known for its sophisticated tactics and demands for ransom payments in cryptocurrency.
  • Country and Cybersecurity Agency: The incident occurred in Barbados, where the local cybersecurity agency, Barbados Cybersecurity Incident Response Team (CIRT), is responsible for monitoring and responding to cyber threats. The ransomware attack has raised concerns about the security of critical government data and the overall cybersecurity posture of the nation.