Country : IN
Actor: darkvault
Source: http://mdhby62yvvg6sd5jmx5gsyucs7ynb5j45lvvdh4dsymg43puitu7tfid.onion//post/OWMyOTM4MGM3OTc2YjM1MjIzZWQ1NT
Discovered: 2024-07-03 22:38:21.900610
Published: 2024-07-03 00:00:00.000000
Description : Sequel Logistics is a supply chain management company, providing solutions specifically for critical logistics requirements, on a worldwide basis. The company was founded in 2004 in Bangalore, and over the years, have developed specialized capabilities and domain knowledge, to design, execute and manage supply chain and logistics of high value and critical products for B2B & B2C business in India, US and Europe.