Victim: RhinoCorps
Country :
Actor: blacksuit
Source: http://weg7sdx54bevnvulapqu6bpzwztryeflq3s23tegbmnhkbpqz637f2yd.onion/?id=tTJJaNlUfdYboBs0
Discovered: 2024-07-24 01:39:35.671983
Published: 2024-07-24 01:39:35.112559
Description : Despite warnings, Rhinocorps management did not see fit to take care of its partners and employees. Without even looking into it, Rhinocorps said they don’t care about the future of the data, so all projects, contracts with non-disclosure clauses, and personal data will be made public within 48 hours.

Ransomware Victims – ALL
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