Ransom! Performance Health & Fitness

Victim: Performance Health & Fitness
Country : US
Actor: hunters
Source: https://hunters55rdxciehoqzwv7vgyv6nt37tbwax2reroyzxhou7my5ejyid.onion/companies/6756451936
Discovered: 2024-11-19 16:19:03.564606
Published: 2024-11-19 15:03:18.000000
Description : Country : United States of America – Exfiltraded data : yes – Encrypted data : yes

Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by hunters

Ransomware Incident Overview

Ransomware Incident Overview: Performance Health & Fitness

  1. Victim: Performance Health & Fitness
  2. Actor: Hunters Ransomware Group
  3. Country: United States of America
  4. Cybersecurity Agency: Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
  5. Incident Details: The attack involved both data exfiltration and encryption, compromising sensitive information.
  6. Exfiltrated Data: Yes, data was stolen prior to encryption.
  7. Encrypted Data: Yes, critical systems and files were rendered inaccessible.
  8. Response: CISA and local law enforcement are investigating the incident and providing guidance to affected organizations.