Victim: Peikko
Country : FI
Actor: akira
Discovered: 2025-01-10 21:01:31.219967
Published: 2025-01-10 21:01:30.002193
Description : Peikko Group Corporation is a global supplier of slim floor struc
tures, wind energy applications, and connection technology for pr
ecast and cast-in-situ construction.
Country : FI
Actor: akira
Discovered: 2025-01-10 21:01:31.219967
Published: 2025-01-10 21:01:30.002193
Description : Peikko Group Corporation is a global supplier of slim floor struc
tures, wind energy applications, and connection technology for pr
ecast and cast-in-situ construction.
We are ready to upload about 30 GB of private corporate documents
such as: internal financial documents and disclosure agreements,,taxpayer INs, contact numbers and e-mail addresses of employees,
HR documents etc.
Ransomware Victims – ALL |
Other Victims by akira
Security Incident Overview
Victim: Peikko Group Corporation
- Global supplier of slim floor structures, wind energy applications, and connection technology.
- Involved in precast and cast-in-situ construction.
- Potential exposure of sensitive corporate documents, including financial records and HR information.
Actor: Akira
- Identified as the entity responsible for the breach.
- Motivations may include financial gain, corporate espionage, or data manipulation.
- Utilizes advanced techniques to infiltrate corporate networks.
Country: Finland (FI)
- Location of Peikko Group Corporation’s headquarters.
- Potential implications for local data protection laws and regulations.
- Involvement of national cybersecurity agencies may be necessary for response and mitigation.