Country : UY
Actor: stormous
Discovered: 2024-09-14 08:25:19.177789
Published: 2024-09-13 00:00:00.000000
Description : ?

Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by stormous

  1. Victim:
    • Online streaming platform targeted by ransomware.
    • Potential data breach affecting user information and content.
  2. Actor: Stormous
    • Notorious ransomware group known for targeting various sectors.
    • Utilizes advanced encryption methods to hold data hostage.
    • Often demands payment in cryptocurrencies to maintain anonymity.
  3. Country: Uruguay (UY)
    • Cybersecurity incidents on the rise, with increasing reports of ransomware attacks.
    • Uruguayan government has established a cybersecurity agency to combat cyber threats.
    • Collaboration with international law enforcement to track and mitigate ransomware activities.