Victim: Mill Creek Lumber
Country : US
Actor: play
Source: http://k7kg3jqxang3wh7hnmaiokchk7qoebupfgoik6rha6mjpzwupwtj25yd.onion/topic.php?id=j2vHfkKLLU5tk9
Discovered: 2024-08-15 21:30:44.413882
Published: 2024-08-13 21:28:43.183569
Description : United States
Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by play
This bellow paragraph was generated by AI.
- Victim: Mill Creek Lumber
- Mill Creek Lumber is a regional lumber supplier based in the United States.
- The company provides a range of building materials and services to contractors and homeowners.
- Ransomware attacks can disrupt operations, leading to financial losses and reputational damage.
- Actor: Play
- Play is a notorious ransomware group known for targeting various industries, including construction and manufacturing.
- The group employs sophisticated tactics, often exfiltrating data before encrypting systems to maximize leverage over victims.
- Play has gained notoriety for its aggressive ransom demands and public shaming of victims who refuse to pay.
- Country: United States
- The U.S. has seen a significant rise in ransomware attacks, particularly in critical infrastructure sectors.
- Government agencies, such as the FBI and CISA, are actively working to combat ransomware threats through public awareness and incident response initiatives.
- Victims in the U.S. often face challenges in recovery, including potential legal implications and the decision to pay ransoms.