Victim: Los Andes
Country : AR
Actor: akira
Discovered: 2025-01-06 13:54:09.232513
Published: 2025-01-06 13:54:08.445204
Country : AR
Actor: akira
Discovered: 2025-01-06 13:54:09.232513
Published: 2025-01-06 13:54:08.445204
Description : Diario Los Andes is a morning newspaper published in the city of
Mendoza, Argentina, owned by Grupo Clar,ín and the heirs of the Ca
lle Family.
We are ready to upload a lot of private corporate documents inclu
ding: financial data (audits, payment details, reports), contact
numbers and e-mail addresses of employees etc.
Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by akira
Incident Overview
Victim: Diario Los Andes
- Type: Morning newspaper
- Location: Mendoza, Argentina
- Ownership: Grupo Clarín and the Calle Family heirs
- Data Compromised: Private corporate documents, financial data, employee contact information
Actor: Akira
- Type: Cybercriminal or hacking group
- Motivation: Potentially financial gain, data theft, or disruption
- Methodology: Likely involves phishing, malware, or exploiting vulnerabilities
Country: Argentina (AR)
- Geopolitical Context: Argentina has faced various cybersecurity challenges
- Regulatory Environment: Data protection laws are in place, but enforcement may vary
- Impact of Incident: Could affect public trust in media and corporate governance