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Actor: blackbasta
Source: http://stniiomyjliimcgkvdszvgen3eaaoz55hreqqx6o77yvmpwt7gklffqd.onion/?
Discovered: 2024-05-31 12:21:11.862528
Published: 2024-05-31 12:21:11.862495
Description : Keytronic has been manufacturing products overseas for over 25 years, first as an OEM, now as an manufacturing provider. You benefit from our global facilities while still working with a US based company. Our customers are some of the world, ’s leading OEM’s.SITE: Address : N. 4424 Sullivan Road Spokane Valley, WA 99216 USAALL DATA SIZE: ≈530gb 1. HR, Finance, Engineering… 2. Corporate data 3. Home Users Data & etc…