Victim: IndicaOnline
Country : US
Actor: everest
Source: http://ransomocmou6mnbquqz44ewosbkjk3o5qjsl3orawojexfook2j7esad.onion/indicaonline/
Discovered: 2024-11-19 18:07:27.226109
Published: 2024-11-19 18:07:26.551196
Description : Client,’s Personal data and ID’s Total personal records : 422,075 Company representative should follow the instructions to contact us before time runs out

Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by everest

Ransomware Incident Overview

Ransomware Incident Overview

  1. Victim: IndicaOnline
  2. Total Personal Records Compromised: 422,075
  3. Nature of Business: Provides software solutions for the cannabis industry
  1. Actor: Everest
  2. Type of Attack: Ransomware, targeting sensitive personal data
  3. Demands: Typically involves financial ransom for data decryption
  1. Country: United States
  2. Cybersecurity Agency: Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
  3. Incident Response: Victims are advised to contact cybersecurity professionals immediately