Victim: Government of Brazil
Country : BR
Actor: killsec
Source: http://ks5424y3wpr5zlug5c7i6svvxweinhbdcqcfnptkfcutrncfazzgz5id.onion/posts.php?id=V9p3ZGf5uZKJ4HduCo4b5xs5
Discovered: 2024-10-25 16:47:03.393621
Published: 2024-10-25 16:47:02.943381
Description : $25000
Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by killsec
Ransomware Activity Overview: Brazil
- Victim: Government of Brazil
- Actor: KillSec
- Incident: The Brazilian government faced a significant ransomware attack attributed to the KillSec group, which resulted in the encryption of sensitive data and disruption of services.
- Demands: The ransom demanded by KillSec was approximately $25,000, which raised concerns about the potential impact on public services and national security.
- Cybersecurity Agency: Brazil’s National Cybersecurity Center (NCSC) is responsible for coordinating responses to such incidents and enhancing the country’s cyber resilience.
- Response: The Brazilian government initiated an investigation into the attack, collaborating with international cybersecurity agencies to track down the perpetrators and mitigate future risks.