Country : IN
Actor: funksec
Source: http://funkxxkovrk7ctnggbjnthdajav4ggex53k6m2x3esjwlxrkb3qiztid.onion/
Discovered: 2025-01-24 22:43:29.894160
Published: 2025-01-24 22:43:29.894160
Description :
- Company Name:
- Industry: Banking and finance
- Specialization: ATM operations
- Services: Potential facilitation or management of ATM sales or purchases
- Target Audience: Banks and financial institutions
- Information Availability: Limited public information without relevant sources
About Country
– Cybersecurity Landscape: The country has been actively enhancing its cybersecurity framework, establishing robust policies and regulations to protect against cyber threats.
– Government Initiatives: There are national strategies in place targeting the improvement of cybersecurity infrastructure and fostering public-private partnerships.
– Cybersecurity Agency: A dedicated agency is responsible for monitoring cyber threats, providing guidance, and coordinating responses to incidents.
– Ransomware Incidents: The country has seen a noticeable increase in ransomware attacks, impacting both private and public sectors, necessitating urgent attention and resource allocation.
– High-Profile Cases: Several high-profile ransomware cases have occurred, revealing vulnerabilities in critical sectors such as healthcare and finance.
– Public Awareness Campaigns: The government is conducting campaigns to raise awareness about cybersecurity best practices and encourage individuals and organizations to adopt preventive measures.
– International Collaboration: The country is involved in international cybersecurity collaborations to share information and strategies in combating global cyber threats, particularly ransomware.
– Legal Framework: There are ongoing efforts to strengthen legal frameworks to effectively prosecute cybercriminals and deter future attacks.
– Investment in Cybersecurity: Increased investment in cybersecurity workforce development and technology is observed to combat the rising trend of cybercrime.