Victim: Byerly Aviation
Country : US
Actor: play
Source: http://k7kg3jqxang3wh7hnmaiokchk7qoebupfgoik6rha6mjpzwupwtj25yd.onion/topic.php?id=7QCBMGSnz2jFT
Discovered: 2024-10-14 22:49:50.288347
Published: 2024-10-14 22:49:49.487590
Description : United States
Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by play
Ransomware Gang Activity Overview
Victim: Byerly Aviation
- Byerly Aviation is a prominent provider of aviation services in the United States.
- The company offers services such as aircraft management, charter services, and maintenance.
- Ransomware attacks on aviation firms can disrupt operations and compromise sensitive data.
Actor: Play
- Play is a ransomware group known for targeting various sectors, including aviation.
- The group employs sophisticated tactics to encrypt data and demand ransoms.
- Play has gained notoriety for its aggressive negotiation tactics and public leaks of stolen data.
Country: United States
- The U.S. has seen a significant rise in ransomware attacks, impacting critical infrastructure.
- Cybersecurity agencies like CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) are actively involved in combating these threats.
- Victims are encouraged to report incidents to law enforcement and seek assistance from cybersecurity firms.