Victim: Brasilmad
Country : BR
Actor: sarcoma
Discovered: 2024-12-12 06:35:50.241181
Published: 2024-12-12 06:35:49.691017
Description : Brasilmad
Brasilmad is a brazilian corporation acting in the wood export market since 1997. We are specialized in pine wood, cut and processed on the final and exact measurements set by our clients. Our wood is used in all continents for furniture manufacture, special packaging and construction. We have partnerships with sawmills with their own forests; the main one is Imaribo S/A Ind e Com, one of the largest brazilian sawmills, with 13000 ha (more than 32 acres) of pine forests.,Presided by Nivaldo Dzyekanski, an experienced entrepreneur on the wood export market, Brasilmad has received numerous awards. Since 2003 we have been receivers of the annual “Mérito Exportação” award from the trade magazine “Revista da Madeira”. We were also present in the “100 Biggest Brazilian Exporters” list published by “Indústria e Comércio” newspaper in 2008.Geo: Brazil – Leak size: 2 GB Archive – Contains: Files
Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by sarcoma
- Victim: Brasilmad
- Established in 1997, Brasilmad specializes in the wood export market, particularly pine wood.
- Partners with major sawmills, including Imaribo S/A Ind e Com, which manages over 13,000 hectares of pine forests.
- Recognized with multiple awards, including the “Mérito Exportação” since 2003 and featured in the “100 Biggest Brazilian Exporters” list in 2008.
- Actor: Sarcoma
- Sarcoma is a known ransomware group that targets various industries, including manufacturing and export sectors.
- They are notorious for deploying sophisticated tactics to encrypt data and demand ransom for decryption keys.
- Cybersecurity Context in Brazil
- Brazil has a dedicated cybersecurity agency, the Brazilian Cyber Defense Command (Comando de Defesa Cibernética), which monitors and responds to cyber threats.
- The ransomware incident involving Brasilmad resulted in a data leak of approximately 2 GB, containing sensitive files.
- Such incidents highlight the growing threat of ransomware in Brazil, emphasizing the need for robust cybersecurity measures across industries.