Victim: Biodimed
Country : EC
Actor: stormous
Source: http://pdcizqzjitsgfcgqeyhuee5u6uki6zy5slzioinlhx6xjnsw25irdgqd.onion
Discovered: 2024-12-15 19:33:02.669839
Published: 2024-12-10 00:00:00.000000
Country : EC
Actor: stormous
Source: http://pdcizqzjitsgfcgqeyhuee5u6uki6zy5slzioinlhx6xjnsw25irdgqd.onion
Discovered: 2024-12-15 19:33:02.669839
Published: 2024-12-10 00:00:00.000000
Description : Data :60GB – Status: ? – Data type: Email operations associated with all employees – attachments include 40GB of documents related to biodimed – employee data – internal messages –
Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by stormous
Ransomware Landscape Overview
Key Points
- Victim: Biodimed
- Actor: Stormous
- Data Compromised: 60GB of email operations, including sensitive employee data and internal messages.
- Attachments: 40GB of documents related to Biodimed’s operations.
- Ransomware Activity: Stormous is known for targeting healthcare and biotech sectors, exploiting vulnerabilities to gain access to sensitive data.
- Threat Landscape: Ransomware attacks have increased significantly, with actors employing sophisticated tactics to breach defenses.
- Geographic Focus: Stormous operates globally but has been particularly active in Europe and North America.
- EC National Cyber Agency: The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) provides guidance and support for member states in combating ransomware threats.
- Incident Response: EC countries have established national cyber incident response teams to assist organizations affected by ransomware attacks.
- Prevention Measures: Organizations are encouraged to adopt robust cybersecurity practices, including regular backups, employee training, and incident response planning.