Victim: banksulutgo
Country : ID
Actor: funksec
Source: http://7ixfdvqb4eaju5lzj4gg76kwlrxg4ugqpuog5oqkkmgfyn33h527oyyd.onion/sell34.html
Discovered: 2024-12-31 09:11:54.275046
Published: 2024-12-31 09:11:51.897518
Country : ID
Actor: funksec
Source: http://7ixfdvqb4eaju5lzj4gg76kwlrxg4ugqpuog5oqkkmgfyn33h527oyyd.onion/sell34.html
Discovered: 2024-12-31 09:11:54.275046
Published: 2024-12-31 09:11:51.897518
Description : [AI generated] Bank SulutGo is a regional development bank in Indonesia, serving the North Sulawesi and Gorontalo provinces. It focuses on providing financial services such as savings, loans, and investment products tailored to the local community. The bank aims to support regional economic growth by financing small and medium enterprises and infrastructure projects, while also offering personal banking services.
Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by funksec
Security Overview
- Victim: Bank SulutGo
- Regional development bank in Indonesia
- Serves North Sulawesi and Gorontalo provinces
- Focuses on financial services for local communities
- Aims to support regional economic growth
- Cybersecurity group known for targeting financial institutions
- Utilizes advanced techniques for data breaches and financial fraud
- Often operates in regions with emerging digital banking systems
- Rapidly growing digital economy
- Increasing reliance on online banking services
- Vulnerabilities in cybersecurity infrastructure