Country : IT
Actor: blackbasta
Source: http://stniiomyjliimcgkvdszvgen3eaaoz55hreqqx6o77yvmpwt7gklffqd.onion/?
Discovered: 2024-07-15 16:06:54.850595
Published: 2024-07-15 16:06:54.257314
Description : For Atos, being Smart means courage and determination to define new standards of excellence. Smart Electrohydraulics is our response to the everchanging market, a commitment we pursue with a unique approach in which every process is analyzed and optimized: from research to design, from production to delivery, up to after-sales service.SITE: Address : Via alla Piana, 5721018 Sesto Calende VA, ItalyALL DATA SIZE: , ≈710gb 1. Company data 2. Confidential data 3. Personal employees documents 4. Projects 5. Clients data & etc…