Victim: A Bar A Ranch
Country : US
Actor: akira
Discovered: 2025-01-06 15:09:55.211426
Published: 2025-01-06 15:09:53.481077
Country : US
Actor: akira
Discovered: 2025-01-06 15:09:55.211426
Published: 2025-01-06 15:09:53.481077
Description : Along the banks of the North Platte River, in the heart of southe
rn Wyoming,’s Medicine Bow Mountains, lies the A Bar A Ranch. Esta
blished in 1922, it is one of the oldest guest ranches in the cou
ntry. It is also one of the largest, with nearly 100,000 acres fo
r guests and staff to explore.
We are ready to upload a lo of private corporate documents includ
ing: financial data (audits, payment details, reports), contact n
umbers and e-mail addresses of customers and employees, insurance
documents, lease agreements etc.
Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by akira
Security Information Overview
About the Victim: A Bar A Ranch
- Established in 1922, A Bar A Ranch is one of the oldest guest ranches in the United States.
- Located along the banks of the North Platte River in the Medicine Bow Mountains of southern Wyoming.
- Spans nearly 100,000 acres, providing ample space for guests and staff to explore.
- Offers a variety of services and amenities for corporate events and private gatherings.
About the Actor: Akira
- Identified as a potential threat actor involved in cyber activities.
- Known for targeting organizations to obtain sensitive information.
- Utilizes various methods to breach security and access confidential data.
About the Country: United States
- Home to a diverse range of businesses, including guest ranches and corporate entities.
- Subject to various cybersecurity laws and regulations aimed at protecting sensitive information.
- Experiencing an increase in cyber threats targeting both private and public sectors.