R00TK1T Challenges Malaysian Government’s PADU System Security Claims with Data Leak Revelation – Daily Dark Web

R00TK1T, a hacking group, has released a statement challenging the Malaysian government’s assertion that the PADU system remains uncompromised. The group has substantiated its claim with a series of screenshots and access credentials obtained from the system’s users. In a bold move to underscore the system’s vulnerabilities, R00TK1T has urged more individuals to register, promising to unveil additional data highlighting its weaknesses with each new registration. The group has set the current value of this valuable data at $195,000.
Additionally, R00TK1T allegedly breached the systems of the Sarawak Government in Malaysia, resulting in access to the personal details of all employees and registered individuals within the government organization.

Source: Original Post

“An interesting youtube video that may be related to the article above”