PrintSteal : Exposing unauthorized CSC-Impersonating Websites Engaging in Large-Scale KYC Document Generation Fraud

PrintSteal : Exposing unauthorized CSC-Impersonating Websites Engaging in Large-Scale KYC Document Generation Fraud
The report examines a widespread criminal operation involved in producing and distributing fake Indian KYC (Know Your Customer) documents via platforms like, which has generated over 167,391 fraudulent documents. This operation exploits a network of affiliates and illicit APIs to maintain extensive reach and profitability, with an estimated profit of ₹40 Lakh. The investigation indicates a significant threat to both financial integrity and public trust in government services. Affected: KYC document services, Common Service Centres, law enforcement, financial institutions, public trust.

Keypoints :

  • Operation known as “PrintSteal” is involved in mass production of fake Indian KYC documents.
  • Platform has over 2,727 registered operators.
  • Generated more than 167,391 fake documents, including over 156,000 fake birth certificates.
  • Utilizes illicit APIs for data retrieval, including sensitive information such as Aadhaar and PAN details.
  • The operation has earned estimated revenues of ₹40 Lakh from fraudulent activities.
  • Over 1,800 domains linked to this operation, with 600+ currently active.
  • Employs a network of affiliates, including mobile shops and cyber cafes, to distribute fake documents.
  • Uses deceptive QR codes in documents that link to counterfeit verification pages.
  • Operates through a virtual wallet system for transaction efficiency.
  • Adapts quickly to law enforcement actions by creating new platforms.

MITRE Techniques :

  • TA0001 – Initial Access: Utilizes accessible technologies and affiliates to gain entry into target networks.
  • TA0003 – Collection: Manipulates various data types for creating fraudulent KYC documents.
  • TA0041 – Exfiltration: Uses APIs to collect sensitive customer data used for document creation.
  • TA0043 – Command and Control: Employs encrypted communication platforms like Telegram to manage operations and affiliates.
  • TA0009 – Resource Development: Acquires software and hosting options from third-party sites to create and run fraudulent platforms.

Indicator of Compromise :

  • [Domain]
  • [IP Address]
  • [Email Address] [email protected]
  • [Phone Number] +91 7070635763
  • [Telegram Account] @boss1432m

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