OnePlus looks into leaked credit card information

Threat Actor: Unknown | Unknown
Victim: OnePlus | OnePlus
Price: Not specified
Exfiltrated Data Type: Credit card information

Additional Information :

  • OnePlus is investigating a leak of credit card information from its official website.
  • Users reported that their credit card information was stolen after making a purchase on the Canadian official website.
  • One user reported an unauthorized purchase attempt at Walmart for $790.
  • Fidus, an internet security company, found potential security issues in the payment processing process of OnePlus’ website.
  • Fidus also discovered that the malicious program may collect credit card information before it is encrypted.
  • OnePlus is conducting a thorough investigation of its overseas official website to identify potential loopholes.
  • OnePlus emphasizes its commitment to protecting users’ payment information and advises affected users to contact their bank for refund processing.

Source: theverge

OnePlus technology today said that the response to the user’s official website leaked credit card information about the company, has launched an investigation. Yesterday, foreign media reports said that in a plus cell phone overseas official website forum, many users complained that they completed a purchase with a Canadian official website, the credit card has been stolen brush behavior.

One of the users said that they were reminded after they bought one plus one 5T mobile phone because someone tried to make an unauthorized purchase at Walmart at a transaction amount of $790.

In response, OnePlus have reiterated the company’s commitment to protecting users ‘payment information and set out various protocols used to protect users’ payment information.

However, Fidus, an internet security company, analyzed the payment processing process of one technology website and found that the malicious program may collect the user’s credit card information before the payment information is encrypted. Fidus also said that one technology used by Magento e-commerce platform has been exposed to the security issues.

One plus science and technology said that it is currently conducting a thorough investigation of the official website overseas, hoping to identify potential loopholes. One plus technology said: “Information security is essential, which has always been one of our top priorities.” One plus technology also reminds users that if you experience a credit card fraud, you should immediately contact the bank for refund processing.

Source: theverge

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