NoName057(16) and UserSec Allegedly Attacked Canada

Threat Actor: NoName057(16) and UserSec | NoName057(16), UserSec
Victim: Canada | Canada
Price: Not specified
Exfiltrated Data Type: Not specified

Additional Information:

  • NoName057(16) and UserSec targeted several organizations in Canada.
  • NoName057(16) claimed to have attacked the Canadian Radio Television and Telecommunications Commission and Investment Quebec, a government corporation.
  • UserSec launched a large-scale attack on Telus Corp, one of the biggest Canadian providers.
  • The threat actors expressed their dislike for NATO and Canada through certain hashtags.

Threat actors shared messages on their Telegram channels about their attack on several organizations from Canada. Threat actor NoName057(16) indicated in their message that they joined the UserSec and attacked to the Canadian Internet infrastructure and allegedly took down several sites.

UserSec indicated that they started a large-scale attack on one of the biggest Canadian providers Telus Corp. NoName057(16) on the other hand claimed to attack Canadian Radio Television and Telecommunications Commission and Investment Quebec, a government corporation.

Threat actors also indicated certain hashtags indicating their hate against NATO and Canada.

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