A financially motivated threat actor is targeting Mexican banks and cryptocurrency trading entities with custom packaged installers delivering a modified version of AllaKore RAT – an open-source remote access tool.
Lures use Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) naming schemas and links to legitimate, benign documents during the installation process. The AllaKore RAT payload is heavily modified to allow the threat actors to send stolen banking credentials and unique authentication information back to a command-and-control (C2) server for the purposes of financial fraud.
The targeting we observed was indifferent to industry; the attackers appear to be most interested in large companies, many with gross revenues over $100M USD. We know this because the lures sent out by the threat actors only work for companies that are large enough to be reporting directly to the Mexican government’s IMSS department.
Based on the large number of Mexico Starlink IPs used in the campaign and the long timeframe of these connections, plus the addition of Spanish-language instructions to the modified RAT payload, we believe that the threat actor is based in Latin America.
Brief MITRE ATT&CK® Information
Tactic | Technique |
Initial Access | T1189 |
Execution | T1204.001, T1059.001 |
Defense Evasion | T1218.007, T1480, T1070.004, T1140 |
Command and Control | T1105, T1071.001, T1219 |
Credential Access | T1056.001 |
Collection | T1056.001, T1113 |
Exfiltration | T1041 |
Weaponization and Technical Overview
Weapons | Malicious MSI installer, .NET downloader, customized AllaKore RAT |
Attack Vector | Spear-phishing; Drive-by |
Network Infrastructure | Statically hosted C2 |
Targets | Retail, Agriculture, Public Sector, Manufacturing, Transportation, Commercial Services, Capital Goods, and Banking |
Technical Analysis
A long running campaign targeting Mexican entities with large revenues ($1 million USD and above) was discovered by BlackBerry cyber threat intelligence (CTI) analysts. This campaign has been using consistently detectable C2 infrastructure since 2021 and has yet to be disrupted.
Attack Vector
Samples from the middle of 2022 and before, such as 942865d0c76b71a075b21525bd32a1ceca830071e5c61123664bd332c7a8de2a, were packaged as RAR files containing the AllaKore sample itself. RAR is a proprietary archive file format that supports data compression, error correction and file spanning.
Newer samples have a more complicated installation structure that delivers the downloader, compressed in an MSI file, which is a Microsoft software installer. The downloader first verifies that the target is located in Mexico, verified via network IP location services, before downloading the customized AllaKore RAT.
Installer files are structured like malspam attachments and have the following execution path:

Figure 1: RAT delivery process
What is AllaKore RAT?
AllaKore RAT is a simple, open-source remote access tool written in Delphi. It was first observed in 2015, and was most recently used by the threat group known as SideCopy in May 2023 to infiltrate organizations within a specific geographic area.
Early 2022 Sample
Hashes (md5, sha-256) | 21b7319ae748c43e413993ad57e8d08c942865d0c76b71a075b21525bd32a1ceca830071e5c61123664bd332c7a8de2a |
File Name | aluminio.rar |
File Size | 3840823 |
“Aluminio.rar” decompresses “aluminio.exe”, which is the AllaKore RAT payload. Worthy of note is the fact that new commands in the Spanish language have been added to the original RAT payload.

Figure 2: Custom function names
This earlier sample reaches out to uplayground[.]online, a domain which was in use from late 2021 until mid-2022. The endpoint of “/registrauser.php” was originally used as the AllaKore server. The endpoint “/license.txt” was used as an update location, always pointing to the latest version of the threat actor’s RAT. A breakdown of the custom functionality is given a little further down in this report.
Late 2022 Sample
Hashes (md5, sha-256) | e5447d258c5167db494e6f2a297a9be8bf26025974c4cbbea1f6150a889ac60f66cfd7d758ce3761604694b0ceaa338d |
File Name | PluginIMSSSIPARE (1).zip |
File Size | 14220446 |
The file obfuscation was changed in late 2022. This file has the following structure:
- _
- InstalarPluginSIPARE.zip
- InstalarPluginSIPARE.msi
The instructions read:

Translated, this reads:
“InstalarPluginSIPARE.msi” is built with Advanced Installer 18.3. This file deploys a .NET downloader and a couple of PowerShell scripts for cleanup. “ADV.exe” is the .NET downloader, while the PowerShell command employed is:
“C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe” -NonInteractive -NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy AllSigned -Command
“C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\AI_4ECB.ps1 -paths ‘C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\ADV\4.4.7 New-Files\prerequisites\file_deleter.ps1′,’C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\ADV\4.4.7 New-Files\prerequisites\aipackagechainer.exe’,’C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\ADV\4.4.7 New-Files’,’C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\ADV’,’C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\ADV’ -retry_count 10”
Both “file_deleter.ps1” and “AI_4ECB.ps1” are the same file, with sha256 80C274014E17C49F84E6C9402B6AA7D09C3282ADC426DA11A70A5B9056D6E71D. They are used to clear out the ADV directory once the final payload is delivered.
The “aipackagechainer.ini” file shows the installation and execution parameters:
DownloadFolder=C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\ADV\4.4.7 New-Files\prerequisites\
ExtractionFolder=C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\ADV\4.4.7 New-Files\prerequisites\
SetupFile=C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\ADV\4.4.7 New-Files\prerequisites\ADVin\ADV.exe
CleanupFiles=C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\ADV\4.4.7 New-Files\prerequisites\ADVin\ADV.exe
CleanupScript=C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\ADV\4.4.7 New-Files\prerequisites\file_deleter.ps1
This shows the MSI installation path and execution chain. “ADV.exe” is the .NET downloader that will be run first, followed by the “file_deleter.ps1” script, which removes the installation files.
Hashes (md5, sha-256) | 2c84d115a74d2e9d00a14f19eb7f81292843582FE32E015479717DA8BF27F0919B246A39495C6D6E00AC7ECA8B1D789C |
File Name | ADV.exe, App.exe |
File Size | 47104 |
Created | 2039-08-06 15:13:14 UTC |
“ADV.exe” checks ipinfo[.]io for a geolocation in Mexico with the obfuscated function below. If MX is not in the response string then the downloader exits.

Figure 4: Function checking for Mexican geolocation
The rest of the downloader’s execution deobfuscates strings and then downloads content from hxxps://trapajina[.]com/516. The file is saved as “kaje.zip”. “Kaje.zip” is decompressed into the final payload, “chancla.exe”.
All payloads utilize the user_agent “Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1.0.3705;)”.
“Chancla.exe” can also be found at hxxps://dulcebuelos[.]com/perro516[.]exe.
AllaKore RAT
AllaKore RAT, although somewhat basic, has the potent capability to keylog, screencapture, upload/download files, and even take remote control of victim’s machine.
Hashes (md5, sha-256) | aa11bedc627f4ba588d444b977880ade6d516a96d6aa39dd9fc2d745ea39658c52ab56d62ef7a56276e2e050d916e19f |
File Name | chancla.exe |
File Size | 7696896 |
Created | 2023-09-15 07:26:42 UTC |
Copyright | CreatiUPRPS Win Service |
Product | CreatiUPRPS Win Service |
Description | CreatiUPRPS Win Service |
Original Name | CreatiUPRPS Win Service |
Internal Name | CreatiUPRPS Win Service |
File Version | |
Comments | CreatiUPRPS Win Service |
“Chancla.exe” is the threat group’s modified version of AllaKore, which contains the following functionalities besides those originally found in the open-source AllaKore RAT:
- Additional commands related to banking fraud, targeting Mexican banks and crypto trading platforms.
- Reverse shell through command <|RESPUESTACMD|>.
- Clipboard function through commands <|CLIPBOARD|>, which only executes Ctrl+C, and <|PEGATEXTO|> “grab text”, which copies content by executing the shortcut Ctrl+C. It can then paste copied content via the shortcut Ctrl+V.
- Downloads and executes files, providing an easy way for the RAT to become a loader and install additional components not hard-coded in the malicious binary.

Figure 5: PEGATEXTO function

Figure 6: Descarun function
This sample utilizes uperrunplay[.]com as the C2 with the same URL as previous campaigns, using as endpoints “license.txt”, “license2.txt”, and “registrauser.php”. At the time of writing they pointed to the following:
- license.txt: version_400_https://domain[.]com/perro516[.]exe is a placeholder for AllaKore RAT itself; when pushing for new versions, the threat actors changed the domain to dulcebuelos[.]com.
- registrauser[.]php is the C2, which is used for communication with the RAT.
- license2.txt: http://23.254.202[.]85/Chrome32[.]exe
- Chrome32.exe (SHA256: 0b8b88ff7cec0fb80f64c71531ccc65f2438374dda3aa703a1919ae878f9eb67) is a Chrome extension that blocks access to URLs starting with enlaceapp[.]santader[.]com[.]mx/js/vsf_generales/.

Figure 7: Chrome extension blocking rules
Network Infrastructure
The network infrastructure is not obfuscated in any way other than regular domain updates. The majority of servers used in this campaign are purchased through Hostwinds, while the domains are registered through eNom LLC.
Domain | Type | First Seen | Last Seen |
flapawer[.]com | C2 | 2023-12-13 | Active |
chaucheneguer[.]com | C2 | 2023-10-27 | Active |
hhplaytom[.]com | C2 | 2023-10-05 | Active |
zulabra[.]com | C2 | 2023-04-29 | Active |
uperrunplay[.]com | C2 | 2022-11-08 | Active |
uplayground[.]online | C2 | 2021-05-12 | 2023-04-28 |
praminon[.]com/519 | Delivery | 2023-12-23 | Active |
trapajina[.]com/516 | Delivery | 2023-10-07 | Active |
zaguamo[.]com/500 | Delivery | 2023-05-10 | Active |
pemnias[.]com/433 | Delivery | 2023-05-10 | 2023-10-16 |
isepome[.]com/435 | Delivery | 2023-02-03 | Active |
narujiapo[.]com/435 | Delivery | 2023-05-30 | Active |
manguniop[.]com/422 | Delivery | 2022-06-06 | 2023-06-06 |
debirpa[.]com | Delivery | 2023-05-02 | Active |
dulcebuelos[.]com | Delivery | 2023-03-15 | Active |
iomsape[.]com | Delivery | 2023-02-03 | Active |
bstelam[.[com/431 | Delivery | 2022-08-06 | 2023-08-05 |
rudiopw[.]com/430 | Delivery | 2022-06-29 | 2023-06-26 |
ppmunchi[.]com | Delivery | 2022-05-18 | 2023-06-30 |
pelicanomwp[.]com/422 | Delivery | 2022-04-29 | 2023-04-29 |
andripawl[.]com | Delivery | 2022-04-03 | 2023-04-19 |
All of the C2s utilize the same HTML and favicons, and are traceable with the following MMH hashes:
IP Match MMH |
192.119.99[.]234 |
192.119.99[.]235 |
192.119.99[.]236 |
192.119.99[.]237 |
192.119.99[.]238 |
23.236.143[.]214 |
23.254.138[.]211 |
23.254.202[.]85 |
Aside from a short resolution of uperrunplay[.]com to 23.236.143[.]214, these C2 are also hosted on Hostwinds servers.
All delivery servers are hosted on 23.254.136[.]60 and utilize ZeroSSL certificates. The server has been used for delivery purposes since 2022-04-03.
BlackBerry telemetry shows that remote desktop protocol (RDP) access to C2 servers is accomplished via express-vpn and mullvad-vpn, in addition to the use of Starlink IP addresses located in Mexico. The large number of Mexico Starlink IPs and long timeframe of connections indicate the geolocation of the threat actor is likely Latin America.
This threat actor is specifically targeting Mexican entities, especially large companies with gross revenues over $100M US. All lures have utilized legitimate and benign Mexican government resources, such as the IDSE software update document “guia_de_soluciones_idse.pdf” and the IMSS payment system SIPARE.

Figure 8: IDSE PDF header used as a lure
During the installation process, the .NET loader confirms the Mexican geolocation of the victim through IP location services, before proceeding to download and deploy the RAT.
Targeting is indifferent to industry, as we saw targeted entities across Retail, Agriculture, Public Sector, Manufacturing, Transportation, Commercial Services, Capital Goods, and Banking industries. The actors are most interested in large companies, many with gross revenues over $100M USD. We know this because the lures used only work for companies that are large enough to be reporting directly to the Mexican government’s IMSS department.
Function naming inside the RAT imply specific targeting of banks residing in Mexico. Prefixes to those names explicitly reference six Mexican banks and a Mexican crypto trading broker.
The targeting of Mexican entities by this threat actor has been ongoing since at least late 2021. In December of 2021, Mandiant released an investigative report about FIN13, where they state that only two financial actors that they know of limit their targeting to one single country over a timeframe of multiple years. Only 14 of the financially motivated groups they track persist for longer than one year. These statistics point to this actor being unique in its persistence and regional targeting.
Custom functionality built into the RAT gives its operators specific fields to paste credentials and data related to their target’s banking infrastructure. This implies a segmented operation, where operators utilize the RATs to upload victim data to the C2 server in a specific format. That can then be used by the malicious individuals in charge of conducting fraudulent banking actions to take further action.
Function naming in Spanish, and Mexican Starlink IPs accessing RDP ports of the C2 indicate that this actor group is mostly likely located in Latin America.
This threat actor has been persistently targeting Mexican entities for the purposes of financial gain. This activity has continued for over two years, and shows no signs of stopping.
The number of sightings from within BlackBerry’s own internal telemetry, and the vast number of sample submissions to VirusTotal (the majority submitted from within Mexico itself), point to an extremely active group targeting any large Mexican company they can contact, with the hope of exfiltrating financial information.
APPENDIX 1 – Indicators of Compromise (IoCs)
File IoCs
sha256 | Type |
94489764825f620e777a34161d0ce506a49eec20bc27c3d63370e493a737d50e | .NET Loader |
884789b63fe432938e1bb76c9976976c1905b74c2974340a60eb7ea8261d48fb | .NET Loader |
b18e0c7c9569b33187e2beaf3318e99b50ed40c54e7dee8a26ce711bc782b150 | .NET Loader |
4085c9829e2b18fd4721688dc25c0611f260b6e4f827b667999d9603cfe5e2d7 | .NET Loader |
66f5b7ca8760fb017b0750441707c24eaa916d5b8aa021b3aa92082c6129ca22 | .NET Loader |
0a3aa8c2485a3b8525f044f33c6d268ab79e1942885792d95f6a1c0c45be6106 | .NET Loader |
84a468a25a8c65dac51f520732d2e9e6afa6b59e4b2f485c262a9bd305cd61c0 | .NET Loader |
9402128b9602fbb485be887def8cd72c3265cd09f6dbf4e0a3ad2ea42da66870 | .NET Loader |
e4a6be2fb70603f1545641240680b44e21b5601e8016c0d144711423eef9778e | .NET Loader |
d5ac0f4efa8396ae9ba74cc3ea2a62485e4d49a930efed0d69b043162bb66cc2 | .NET Loader |
d63447877be48156032cc9ec9def7e25d62e7bc544bd3e19da75c0f55e09dcc0 | .NET Loader |
7bb22d7013dede7b866ab25cbe32246228c46bd8a951b5a72557b7280ebb066f | .NET Loader |
2867d87bbc088b8cc50ff66f1d9c064cba978433cdb900649bbbb44370f8cbd1 | .NET Loader |
b00fee1c275d12a05ca8a06ab54ffac2e3e8da68fd2be450f34c36c8a38e4887 | .NET Loader |
e7e2a6fe7325ad7945a6020202ab5581e0a204f8b8ad9ffc48c18f129a6f8c46 | .NET Loader |
42f1d24e135b9d3e4fd38e1ec3ab20cae495ec3526ae4037d937c6344914e923 | .NET Loader |
88a9e666d4231a98a909ae5780778b85ffdb8a5207b8f7dfca2a0911cc0f6580 | .NET Loader |
872c58b72962c1f0696b26563425c6734cc2246d1ea3375f675c1bd1ca915e59 | .NET Loader |
49de6df83c5fe55c4e45b5744203513832f0435dbbd7913a3ce7f827afe51236 | .NET Loader |
0eb20898a0a3c1f4a4210a819fa0bd8f8574db3413db8b85e381ab0c1963791a | .NET Loader |
d928ce7383d8582163c36773d1d97360a5ded812d11ee0faf99c7afa78251850 | .NET Loader |
8a1381a829776220ec4bf0a9d36cf6842a5638b0190e667ee696bab04b8e7c9f | .NET Loader |
0835d21b60e3443892988d675f20393d79503ca6e37a889d9f7da19c321b3426 | .NET Loader |
4276b4b4504edff275a4d56b99f66b23c48b49f4081abab36bf4d8f88818e2da | .NET Loader |
8cc14643ec452aa35e709ae34b874e0f070a20b174e7eeb2a046351a329cdde9 | .NET Loader |
0eeb357abcd3864538dc26000f3a1d706c2c330fadfb845f7fc350b382d00c4e | .NET Loader |
61037a3321e143d85cdf77abf31f33ca5a701da0b84cef172bcf89457dfb4e7d | .NET Loader |
0324d8ed29829e5fa7add2bab1e73f2ad0094e80867caf57d35369a5e22fe79c | .NET Loader |
2444dd2bb0a0fa0631935ddeb829b753d1ba46c9149ee45f79794903f26e16fa | .NET Loader |
19d357351a29f6530624556bd31c475d56ea9ad76f31eb28f7d251fa3c751d62 | .NET Loader |
da0b73d2f42f0232762f7c8d3eaa6863969f1982b798cd9fc19431c901ae4635 | .NET Loader |
2843582fe32e015479717da8bf27f0919b246a39495c6d6e00ac7eca8b1d789c | .NET Loader |
b1489b216fb25bcf57329546c160800645c0a6620add3c8323e2b589d7150e9e | .NET Loader |
a72018420f8aab9cb431d120bfa06acd09d777a88aa186ec495dffdc22395f0e | .NET Loader |
2a0d1c7354b43acd6fd0303beb6277db92691f03e37baea0c39249ae0d8b5301 | .NET Loader |
906d49817970955847f64d2f868e418579549e9cfa91c575f38342a1bd66ad4b | .NET Loader |
e01b10fc4131b8eec32148e559b95fd82da817166b831ae32a0fa89be883e8e9 | .NET Loader |
08f0954be207eaa1a85cdc9eed4ad2737613bbbf240a7c30b658b583c3ddef0c | .NET Loader |
3499e5bd9daad587e05337bae5e953f279ebee20d9cf6d2a1707be28ce6295bf | .NET Loader |
1230b1a189b17a4da79bc10bde0fbb439c37997c8f927d4a80c61b006d8b3267 | .NET Loader |
17213aa5a43fcf6a6baf5e784f33411cd0fa3a2fb00418486085c5a24695af7c | .NET Loader |
c86f9d739ea3c6b57fd070892be9d1d4b3c50fca8a8c3e05cf84875378fcc649 | .NET Loader |
b61c027adcef5d2108dc13735cef5d4bce295f13de6032f3fee5129be74816b6 | .NET Loader |
968f90a4567cdf67885c116379c792b4eeda1f7f8bd2cf34daf8c58b17f2ec0f | .NET Loader |
a65091e8912e4b65458041f866d37410b46e7a9432a57e0d7dc01ca4a21f3940 | .NET Loader |
bf3e96bb6273890f48b566e9d484e0e747e8f21e3dbd6606a39edf98faedc7b1 | .NET Loader |
6d3a50a354bcf2df226ce1065563755b3ab16d2e440900e3b80a9f0571c0f73a | .NET Loader |
da61eb41bffd50a07793ccc8b2ead76f5c49313445f07aa685c28523bbf39a00 | .NET Loader |
caa7ef0b9a6ea51752813b7107348f46a3475acf9b3f1242e675f6a1296ccb2c | .NET Loader |
eaf26e1d12e0ae355441499bdf9d13c582540f3876bddfdef95c676f185609b8 | .NET Loader |
cee2730a6e4100e3b865cb6fee41f77ec5a8bfce186b1e121ebb4236cd3dff88 | .NET Loader |
e1246fbac51f8369292aec96270dd4b2a62fd148d9b6f2ca8ee208631237a44f | .NET Loader |
f292911c11a15001ca66e90df341f8763d4d149482f06f85cc2873651d205a6b | .NET Loader |
8d4d672eeba756c7ace20aea90219c8f7409b23ecc9c2eb47a31b1cd2d3577a6 | .NET Loader |
7474cd11f62a53f0f3035fb62753561067cd771ec3e5d73823e74d4f4b8d31cb | .NET Loader |
74f637b21f7c68e6d56f0d64378336b28f500d82d4eb876d5b1cbbfe3a952ac2 | .NET Loader |
bbd94254223f4ec3edbcc44c5d6d5ae5029c8d9c4512f02d3c61d2a28c3c5416 | .NET Loader |
31e060d82ef68613d26b5e47c3934d482fc2975dad71fa6e677900cc8a938116 | .NET Loader |
55455d2488d127fc7bb6976821c36ad5661a5e57e2d57dcc7ae7cb12ba7282d3 | .NET Loader |
301f27dc88655927ce45b0c1138b4931b0d3aa7dcfdd424315d5c7339c540e52 | .NET Loader |
5c1306596589d0b0c0f0d04be6687e5c2dbe92fbba493760b0ded7a47942fbb1 | .NET Loader |
bc81f08ad4c543a35f899da8d45787751b50d221d67dae083d62097631ace059 | .NET Loader |
582aa139fb1c315f68106cc2e50c10835874e8bc77aeb7302453f9aa3c25d920 | .NET Loader |
7bced78c519befdb1b7ef3b973250f4ee2d3c2404309cea372df16b8ff5b1d84 | .NET Loader |
8185e9784adfd6c2f1a286a724e7e374008667ae1f50cfa1a58451a5c33af536 | .NET Loader |
05d0dd9916646c6144506bb26cab500d807ab015609bd19634e890fbeb63e48f | .NET Loader |
f8262a0c746bbfbb3e7cb17398953cd8391cdf416b759d4be1f1fc11611f4eb3 | .NET Loader |
14f15b1d7951f078bbf412bb2ef774c812efff70280b86b8176994374c0e766d | .NET Loader |
ec1ea0b01ad6cd431c8441dc83537c3d9ef00994f9dd76a3041ff50c2526ce38 | .NET Loader |
53e196f293b4f99face97449d18106f7dc9df5b9170354d1c1da27f9ec71849c | .NET Loader |
a20672a07f3cf2e67682486c1a2b6684e9a50ca129260a74353d1664be25aa92 | .NET Loader |
cdf35bb3a256d4bd4e09a2a9b19e4682a3952233c720e37d9ae88e4050b8473a | .NET Loader |
b9ea5ecbda6abd328bd7370d250fa9ab5a38a104955ac383cecee8ce581b9d80 | .NET Loader |
933858679466d57b4ea47003f08d864b1a417d7be75008e42ecd62f05dde7964 | .NET Loader |
3ad89c70d77b9fec35bbbac25d3dabca9d6c1fc055b8570a2d34b3af5ac58aef | .NET Loader |
55f1b8346fc2e94791431a237d8a38fb6bb2014380b1905955d12bccb8c24e79 | .NET Loader |
c1e18c6a611ccf23971a43fcdc0186d6a3f2bb0ee792140c35fc1e1a34582551 | .NET Loader |
225d10a0b3880eebafb327769e39a2484161e21e5d07ddef8fe16b65d2a90113 | .NET Loader |
dcea0d579d3d6ab2d29a3665e3e0c3849ccd42abe390b80bf362c79088a1ebbe | .NET Loader |
4865a260754a6a8740a85c40ef4185420334f9b21cc0d865295fdae4bb1e94a4 | .NET Loader |
ae192d14a916ecdb55803830eace5ef820b1b520a751b6b689fa9591f6f292bc | .NET Loader |
bdc0a1ad95b1a62ae1e702681949fea485f42d5884aca78df02a64869688192e | .NET Loader |
c625ac5c134a74d84f8ce91504e41af15972ec71c064f7a5d31c588a8ff2c332 | .NET Loader |
ea357305411b9c6b27657782e2bb14bc0c18149a7ad4093b30c12b041f785933 | .NET Loader |
f76f5c12b81aa6d7fac0eeb4b775004c525ae50ebb049b6f4177417104eb8ef4 | .NET Loader |
2be8c01e5ffcabb566212268a63ef3c42db5c57d3e879abe99b06b48ac9bacda | .NET Loader |
46f5ffcc04ea1eaf09cfce1a9329624c85a5c5435d91444a55ce02fceebfd2f7 | .NET Loader |
ed7da8aef7dbe652b429d64a918a943c6586e1d4cec353c84663f8b451c09874 | .NET Loader |
3c1be333e85f0243cdbcecfd727e86d582569809e2c45fefb64261b473ca1734 | .NET Loader |
f0dfa2297df28f64dc38da3a54bbef5c499691a8cf05de0f08e20f4f7077e67c | .NET Loader |
40fc64907dcd0063e5f2b604fe78d0484d821cb9cda199d3cdca5e0219b43587 | .NET Loader |
fc39aa0d2486c746f9b8d4d459a65517a21f961fb24ec25c4470f0b86e8c7cae | .NET Loader |
4bfa7c32d9eb8f7468a1919dbf9698e971052c091de4b66b125ba18b04bbe607 | .NET Loader |
d8e22f8b5964428b4a29e5aad9ec9186bd96e7d29bc56ede8821a24294629931 | .NET Loader |
bc3fcaa746c261af6b72ee0720fa739d7f79df71709b7067f016e30578f94c22 | .NET Loader |
263bc3729f5785acb6647af950f3fe0a0cbbe05d2fcc9639276852ba39ecbaa2 | .NET Loader |
f31a6b19572b668dbb473a0e43e53b9c1e5020b057421de8fc019c150ed3fb38 | .NET Loader |
ee32169bef700d3dcceb86a101e188e5c0146a1104ee8809d1e031d93cdee36c | .NET Loader |
9946fb2e81d07ad7780a20cf06b59bd27177c8bd6ed543e13089c47957adab1a | .NET Loader |
c5a4bf56670d51fed1e88050eddb003f39af0e22fbb01163679fef758b000392 | .NET Loader |
4524d47ca7b7d71764f12807fd3722e4b890388eb2f5bf975d58c6afd0221fb3 | MSI Installer |
8e2fc9de5da07a6cf6cfeb3349185e282cec5eed944cb66873136bd697389516 | MSI Installer |
2f9f289224482204b0f3bb4f0af8fe99f235daea99fe435cbc53dcbb9bc22bb0 | MSI Installer |
434ec6d3575f72e680a8bf9211b3a853d80457644ff01d7acc41657b9bfdca24 | MSI Installer |
eee76b24be7121434ec7ad1ca39792cbfec594916f8e143fad18698955ba0870 | MSI Installer |
81c5b7940a69854c72cb99d4af6a1092f0adc9182e9e8fd729b1857126d096ba | MSI Installer |
70d6cf1d106783bced15e4bd31b91a6be8ae9d9746955da60cfdf1cb1f9dbf7d | MSI Installer |
77607c0a0a1dcaa4f1ba27e17d5eba5d79fbbf64e1e71b8f4e03a6f724653355 | MSI Installer |
80bc99cd883421432e034d0c714d892ecaac6385fd86bd74e9291a736e118f28 | MSI Installer |
d48d277f7891ed1e2797d551c1470eae87af7b82746fa8dc2083440c42bcc112 | MSI Installer |
71a106f9fbce3e5b48baaacc250beb292cbc0c63190c3ae390f69c17e0be5465 | MSI Installer |
c9c18f3eb35b9359c52737e12c35701401867b91aad0ca17822e8a82fce46001 | MSI Installer |
9cbf221cfb8fe33c0a3e352742c8b9b931fef5b5c6a07e33cdeebe97b6113622 | MSI Installer |
335b69874aff8bc4c45404917fb34523c7205854a979a5293b40d0b2aa52ed89 | MSI Installer |
6eed0ff8083a07cf43850e74a9667267613783721834c7593338f888b419ca47 | MSI Installer |
5925f48a5b1abc6d25858bf7d3cfc4ec98991ecc5fddebe79b80c29789a2f5fe | MSI Installer |
a6fbcc0b368109a964e55869969d33db7287726b2e0dbf46bdcaa91f6adc1edb | MSI Installer |
98f7bda5f3c4d7f845b6812d774765907b7b943b7d97386c1a8135c2051b2225 | MSI Installer |
8a444480e1a313ce35b3535c8df8f5511817e57897e7b5de0e36b5973c21fb82 | MSI Installer |
a8f7253907eb8ab7021c58cc8a03c32f33d4a3a86494b9198b68cec3219a968c | MSI Installer |
aeda5536fe7239843130547c677d2094883fd45aafeffb91c196c9b12c36232b | MSI Installer |
750baeecb35d18010fbdfd0c90ecd4be3083a51b39837f596f0887bfd294e170 | MSI Installer |
28107b1104bb5fd61d49b64460a0f1f75c664930b251849361783cf60d518c7d | MSI Installer |
56f7283604960cca96200e5da47dd6a4408086a77973f96ca230b2a583545cd8 | MSI Installer |
490bd1a59cb2d43828c301d943b7c6a848f2b70d901d69234ccc7c88db8f8ca7 | MSI Installer |
44339460d0dfe01d68c10c9a084f1d4530b0c135d6be55bcbc8666822b454f3f | MSI Installer |
39be7067ccedfac84b9ff7d15bc6297d8d8637357aaa4b68286ed8af2e65a2e7 | MSI Installer |
4edc594040c0a3b0dfa5b343d1f000271b0e6d3bd3f29988c360735c6ffd9fc0 | MSI Installer |
9103f43dcf834b696ff3f6f4ea58dc0bdf14e1483f91420313157bb1a41ba76b | MSI Installer |
13d88bcf312896fae6d03d59c564bc9521e0916096098cfe41508395955aab0e | AllaKore |
168ac972b7f0610f978e50b426e39938f889422b1bcfaf9cddf518e3e1ed9aa9 | AllaKore |
2ff3cdb886b1caf3eaad9a2467bfa16b9269b88695b76bb6a0da481458e30aa3 | AllaKore |
305cde85573131949fab5a3973525a886962c4f8c02558d3a215689a49f53406 | AllaKore |
33578228c11ad0b3d86a198a32b602aa93a91d2feeae2fb2e83f8c6595c8acd9 | AllaKore |
422c9471c29fe17457e142df1a567c273212019eb20b0b4783891c529c1248a8 | AllaKore |
46c14c2f0d04710f53db16473877d3315c13e1a33a3236846a87e8f91808c8eb | AllaKore |
49a04f31e49cee3ae65e9d776bc0f8aedf40c52fafcd002ccf7de4044abec2dd | AllaKore |
52134d02cd77f8a65fd5b15c7c57ff2909ac39f0b5779592c533a18bf6b23879 | AllaKore |
5961b42f8efad58c437bdad862a0337c6bcd57f7cbf35184f2de60f4609fd477 | AllaKore |
673d4fe6f9e46fae37649c525f1d0d89cfd3b8310210dff4ddc7349418d9e80f | AllaKore |
6d516a96d6aa39dd9fc2d745ea39658c52ab56d62ef7a56276e2e050d916e19f | AllaKore |
89206ca169747d4aa70d49350415f21df7f1a00a3bf8d0c253b6beda2eb919d9 | AllaKore |
8fce1d24cf952528169f473b9462724482511615ed31165710e5e3a74cefdd02 | AllaKore |
911e45d053bdf3a41e812203ae29db739cf3505a4e37209936c1cc83ee42e8e9 | AllaKore |
9221470c77b46bcd457951ae3a3d31d60ad4602ea9d152d51d1e4f9a5b3bca3a | AllaKore |
a5af60355c423fa4cc9695b86a5697f847259eaee724065162d303cc4523d447 | AllaKore |
b858d451804a641fc51dd6d3c50668d6a08dc9033252aee52f582264a970cff8 | AllaKore |
bc423bd9acd7c5a1f2849091f21de5429f2fc79e2655f92866e1c8b7b1f96f7e | AllaKore |
c778739c5214aa580cba05f01afe2d9fc8f12d3fa7ad864a279bcb4ad6d266b4 | AllaKore |
cde045a0269a5a05928128c6ca7c030947f96034c9204e2b747a0d626e3f22f3 | AllaKore |
e2d82ab6cc71a1d8d2a2ba2312b0d8a4a3d23e3902d5b180383d9e406097a9ff | AllaKore |
ee772e1260c6adc532bed57cacdbb6e0b8db311996074ad42eaf1aefd243187a | AllaKore |
eecc201c80809b636d945aa537b954dd2e39382c36067a040a672167a1257a09 | AllaKore |
fba031543c3ab694a09e603a7df6417f93742f0b87f9fedaf9ab84d11340ccb5 | AllaKore |
fd8c49d00effa8bc730e06ae217655a430ba03122ca974945d41642299853dfa | AllaKore |
Network IoCs
IoC | Type |
flapawer[.]com | C2 |
chaucheneguer[.]com | C2 |
hhplaytom[.]com | C2 |
zulabra[.]com | C2 |
uperrunplay[.]com | C2 |
uplayground[.]online | C2 |
192.119.99[.]234 | C2 |
192.119.99[.]235 | C2 |
192.119.99[.]236 | C2 |
192.119.99[.]237 | C2 |
192.119.99[.]238 | C2 |
23.236.143[.]214 | C2 |
23.254.138[.]211 | C2 |
23.254.202[.]85 | C2 |
23.254.136[.]60 | Delivery |
trapajina[.]com | Delivery |
narujiapo[.]com | Delivery |
zaguamo[.]com | Delivery |
debirpa[.]com | Delivery |
isepome[.]com | Delivery |
iomsape[.]com | Delivery |
pemnias[.]com | Delivery |
bstelam[.]com | Delivery |
rudiopw[.]com | Delivery |
manguniop[.]com | Delivery |
ppmunchi[.]com | Delivery |
pelicanomwp[.]com | Delivery |
andripawl[.]com | Delivery |
dulcebuelos[.]com | Delivery |
APPENDIX 2 – Applied Countermeasures
Yara Rules
rule MX_fin_downloader_kaje_decode_func {meta:author = “BlackBerry Threat Research & Intelligence Team” description = “Locates .NET function that deobfuscates kaje filename” date = “2023-12-19″strings:$s1 = {1A8D??00000125161F6A0658D29C25171F620659D29C25181F6B0659D29C25191F660659D29C0B}condition:all of them} |
rule MX_fin_downloader_elearnscty_string {meta:author = “BlackBerry Threat Research & Intelligence Team”description = “Locates unique strings to the MX fin .NET downloaders.”date = “2023-12-19″strings://ElearnScty Testing course$s1 = {52 00 57 00 78 00 6c 00 59 00 58 00 4a 00 75 00 55 00 32 00 4e 00 30 00 65 00 53 00 42 00 55 00 5a 00 58 00 4e 00 30 00 61 00 57 00 35 00 6e 00 49 00 47 00 4e 00 76 00 64 00 58 00 4a 00 7a 00 5a 00 51 00 3d 00 3d 00}condition:all of them} |
rule MX_fin_custom_allakore_rat {meta:author = “BlackBerry Threat Research & Intelligence Team”description = “Find MX fin custom function names and prefixes.”date = “2023-12-19″strings:$main = “<|MAINSOCKET|>”$cnc1 = “<|MANDAFIRMA|>”$cnc2 = “<|FIRMASANTA|>”$cnc3 = “<|MENSAJE” wide$cnc4 = “<|DESTRABA” wide$cnc5 = “<|TOKEN” wide$cnc6 = “<|TRABAR” wide$cnc7 = “<|USU” wide$cnc8 = “<|ACTUALIZA|>” wide$cnc9 = “<|BANA” wide$cnc10 = “<|CLAVE” widecondition:uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and$main and2 of ($cnc*) andfilesize > 5MB and filesize < 12MB} |
APPENDIX 3 – Detailed MITRE ATT&CK® Mapping
Tactic | Technique | Sub-Technique Name |
Initial Access | T1189 – Drive-by Compromise | |
Execution | T1204 – User Execution | T1204.004 – Malicious File |
Execution | T1059 – Command and Scripting Interpreter | T1059.001 – PowerShell |
Defense Evasion | T1218 – System Binary Proxy Execution | T1218.007 – Msiexec |
Defense Evasion | T1480 – Execution Guardrails | |
Defense Evasion | T1070 – Indicator Removal | T1070.004 – File Deletion |
Defense Evasion | T1140 – Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information | |
Command and Control | T1105 – Ingress Tool Transfer | |
Command and Control | T10171 – Application Layer Protocol | T10171.001 – Web Protocols |
Command and Control | T1219 – Remote Access Software | |
Credential Access, Collection | T1056 – Input Capture | T1056.001 – Keylogging |
Collection | T1113 – Screen Capture | |
Exfiltration | T1041 – Exfiltration Over C2 Channels |
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