Massive Security Breach Exposes Sensitive Information in UAE Government Data

Threat Actor: The Five Families | The Five Families
Victim: UAE Government | UAE Government
Price: Not specified
Exfiltrated Data Type: Employee details (phone numbers, emails, names)

Additional Information:

  • The breach involves a wide range of government portals, including,,, and several others.
  • The attackers claim to have accessed data from various ministries and key entities within the UAE government structure.
  • The compromised data includes employee details from critical government departments such as the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Health and Prevention.
  • The breach also extends to regulatory bodies like the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority and educational institutions like the United Arab Emirates University.
  • Financial entities such as the UAE Central Bank are also among the victims.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) government faces a severe cybersecurity crisis as a significant data breach has come to light. The breach, which reportedly involves a vast array of government entities, has been announced by The Five Families, sparking concerns about the security of sensitive information. According to announcement, the breach encompasses a wide range of government portals, including,,, and several others. The attackers claim to have accessed not only data from various ministries but also from key entities within the UAE government structure.

Among the compromised data are employee details, including phone numbers, emails, and names, from critical government departments such as the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Health and Prevention. The breach extends to regulatory bodies like the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority and educational institutions like the United Arab Emirates University, as well as financial entities such as the UAE Central Bank.

The list of victims is as follows:

  • Ministry of Interior
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation
  • Ministry of Health and Prevention
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Ministry of Finance
  • Ministry of Economy
  • Ministry of Energy and Industry
  • Ministry of Climate Change & Environment
  • Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation
  • Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development
  • Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship
  • National Media Council
  • General Authority of Islamic Affairs & Endowments
  • Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology
  • General Pension & Social Security Authority
  • Federal Customs Authority
  • Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation
  • National Qualifications Authority
  • UAE Space Agency
  • United Arab Emirates University
  • Federal Demographic Council
  • Securities and Commodities Authority
  • UAE Central Bank
  • General Authority of Sports
  • Federal Authority for Government Human Resources
  • Federal Electricity and Water Authority
  • Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority
  • Federal Authority for Land & Marine Transport
  • Emirates Post Group
  • Telecommunication Regulatory Authority

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