Massive Data Breach: 2.5 Million New Zealand Citizens’ Information Leaked from MediaWorks – Daily Dark Web

A threat actor has purportedly leaked extensive data pertaining to around 2.5 million New Zealand citizens, sourced from MediaWorks ( Initially intending to sell the information for $30,000, the actor encountered a lack of interest due to the hefty price tag. Consequently, they have opted to make the data freely available, opening the floodgates for potential misuse.

The leaked data encompasses a plethora of personal details, including names, home addresses, mobile and home phone numbers, email addresses, dates of birth, postal codes, genders, and UserIDs. Additionally, the actor claims the dataset includes private information such as questionnaire responses, citizens’ videos, musical materials, and even voting information related to television shows like “The Block NZ” from 2017 to 2020.

Source: Original Post