[Law] Notorious hacker ‘USDoD’ suspected of high-profile cyber-attacks arrested in Brazil

Summary: A Brazilian hacker, suspected of orchestrating cyber intrusions into the Federal Police and various international institutions, has been arrested for selling stolen data. The hacker is linked to significant data breaches, including the leak of sensitive information from InfraGard, a partnership program of the FBI.

Threat Actor: USDoD aka EquationCorp | USDoD

Key Point :

  • 33-year-old Brazilian hacker arrested for cyber intrusions and data theft.
  • Responsible for major data-selling incidents in 2020 and 2022.
  • Claimed responsibility for the InfraGard breach, exposing personal details of 80,000 members.
  • Targeted organizations include Airbus and the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Original Source: https://www.gov.br/pf/pt-br/assuntos/noticias/2024/10/pf-prende-hacker-suspeito-de-invadir-sistemas-da-pf-e-de-outras-instituicoes-internacionais

Cyber Law and Cybercrime Investigation Blog: Immuniweb