Summary: Four suspected members of a cybercrime syndicate responsible for hacking government websites and a cable provider’s subscriber database have been arrested by the National Bureau of Investigation in the Philippines.
Threat Actor: Blood Security hackers | Blood Security hackers
Key Point :
- The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) apprehended four individuals believed to be part of the cybercrime group “Blood Security hackers” responsible for hacking government websites and a cable provider’s subscriber database.
- The NBI received tips pointing to the group as the perpetrators behind the cyber intrusions, including attacks on the Commission on Elections and the database of Sky Cable.
- The suspects were arrested during an entrapment operation after accepting marked money as payment for the stolen information.
- The data obtained from the hacks was reportedly put up for sale.
- The suspects are currently awaiting formal charges.
Original Source:
Cyber Law and Cybercrime Investigation Blog: Immuniweb