[Law] Former software dev faces up to 10 years behind bars for sabotaging employer’s systems

[Law] Former software dev faces up to 10 years behind bars for sabotaging employer’s systems
Summary: Davis Lu, a former software developer at Eaton Corporation, was found guilty of intentionally sabotaging the company’s computer systems after being demoted in 2018. He deployed custom malware and a “kill switch” that locked out thousands of employees, causing significant operational disruptions. Lu now faces a potential prison sentence of up to 10 years for his actions.

Affected: Eaton Corporation

Keypoints :

  • Davis Lu was convicted for sabotaging Eaton’s computer systems post-demotion.
  • He created malware that overloaded servers and introduced a “kill switch” to lock out users upon his termination.
  • His actions critically disrupted operations, affecting thousands of employees and company functionality.

Source: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/texas-man-convicted-sabotaging-his-employers-computer-systems-and-deleting-data