Summary: The US DOJ and FBI, alongside international partners, executed a significant operation to dismantle the Mustang Panda hacking group, which is backed by the Chinese government. This group utilized PlugX malware to infiltrate systems, targeting sensitive data across various sectors. The operation successfully removed malware from over 4,000 computers in the US, marking a crucial step in countering state-sponsored cyber espionage.
Threat Actor: Mustang Panda | Mustang Panda
Victim: Various government agencies and businesses | government agencies and businesses
Keypoints :
- Mustang Panda has been active since 2014, targeting various sectors including government and dissident groups.
- The operation involved the removal of malware from over 4,000 US-based computers.
- This initiative was part of a broader international effort to disrupt state-sponsored cyber espionage activities.