[Law] A criminal group used malware to steal funds from major Ukrainian industrial firms

Summary: Ukrainian cyber police have dismantled a criminal group involved in stealing funds from the bank accounts of major industrial enterprises in Ukraine, causing financial losses exceeding 6 million UAH (~$150,000).

Threat Actor: Ukrainian cyber criminals | Ukrainian cyber criminals

Key Point :

  • The criminal group infected corporate networks with malware to gain remote access to financial operations.
  • By manipulating recipients’ details, the criminals diverted funds to accounts under their control.
  • One of the group’s members was kidnapped by his accomplices when he refused to transfer his share to controlled accounts.
  • The police identified the vehicle carrying the suspects and arrested two key figures behind the group.
  • The suspects have been charged with illegal imprisonment or kidnapping and extortion.
  • The accused face up to 12 years in custody.

Original Source: https://cyberpolice.gov.ua/news/pryvlasnyly-ponad–mln-grn-z-raxunkiv-pidpryyemstv-i-vykraly-svogo-spilnyka-sudytymut-zlochynnu-grupu-6844/

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