In-Depth Security News and Investigation

Krebs on Security is a popular blog focused on in-depth security news and investigations. It’s authored by Brian Krebs, a well-known journalist in the field of cybersecurity. The site provides detailed coverage of security threats, breaches, cybercrime, and other related topics aimed at educating readers on protecting their personal and organizational data.

About the Author

Brian Krebs worked as a reporter for The Washington Post from 1995 to 2009, authoring more than 1,300 blog posts for the Security Fix blog, as well as hundreds of stories for and The Washington Post newspaper, including eight front-page stories in the dead-tree edition and a Post Magazine cover piece on botnet operators. In 2014, he was profiled in The New York TimesBusiness WeekNPR’s Terry Gross, and by More recently, he was invited to an “Ask Me Anything” discussion on Reddit about investigative reporting.

But you didn’t really want to read my résumé, did you? What most people want to know is how I got into computer security, and whether I have a technical background in the field.

The short answer is “by accident,” and “no,” respectively. I earned a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies from George Mason University in 1994, and at the time I wasn’t much interested in computers, although I had programmed a bit on an Apple II and spent quite a bit of time visiting online bulletin boards as a kid.


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