Invisible miners: unveiling GHOSTENGINE’s crypto mining operations — Elastic Security Labs


Elastic Security Labs has identified an intrusion set incorporating several malicious modules and leveraging vulnerable drivers to disable known security solutions (EDRs) for crypto mining. Additionally, the team discovered capabilities to establish persistence, install a previously undocumented backdoor, and execute a crypto-miner. We refer to this intrusion set as REF4578 and the primary payload as GHOSTENGINE (tangental research by the team at Antiy has named parts of this intrusion set HIDDENSHOVEL).

Key takeaways

  • Malware authors incorporated many contingency and duplication mechanisms
  • GHOSTENGINE leverages vulnerable drivers to terminate and delete known EDR agents that would likely interfere with the deployed and well-known coin miner
  • This campaign involved an uncommon amount of complexity to ensure both the installation and persistence of the XMRIG miner

Code analysis

REF4578 execution flow
REF4578 execution flow

On May 6, 2024, at 14:08:33 UTC, the execution of a PE file named Tiworker.exe (masquerading as the legitimate Windows TiWorker.exe file) signified the beginning of the REF4578 intrusion. The following alerts were captured in telemetry, indicating a known vulnerable driver was deployed.

REF4578 executes Tiworker to start the infection chain
REF4578 executes Tiworker to start the infection chain

Upon execution, this file downloads and executes a PowerShell script that orchestrates the entire execution flow of the intrusion. Analysis revealed that this binary executes a hardcoded PowerShell command line to retrieve an obfuscated script, get.png, which is used to download further tools, modules, and configurations from the attacker C2– as depicted in the screenshot below.

Downloading get.png
Downloading get.png


GHOSTENGINE is responsible for retrieving and executing modules on the machine. It primarily uses HTTP to download files from a configured domain, with a backup IP in case domains are unavailable. Additionally, it employs FTP as a secondary protocol with embedded credentials. The following is a summary of the execution flow:

The get.png PowerShell script
The get.png PowerShell script

This script downloads and executes clearn.png, a component designed to purge the system of remnants from prior infections belonging to the same family but different campaign; it removes malicious files under C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemado and C:PROGRA~1COMMON~1Systemado and removes the following scheduled tasks by name:

  • Microsoft Assist Job
  • System Help Center Job
  • SystemFlushDns
  • SystemFlashDnsSrv

Evidence of those scheduled task artifacts may be indicators of a prior infection.

clearn.png removing any infections from previous campaigns
clearn.png removing any infections from previous campaigns

During execution, it attempts to disable Windows Defender and clean the following Windows event log channels:

  • Application
  • Security
  • Setup
  • System
  • Forwarded Events
  • Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance
  • Microsoft-Windows-AppModel-Runtime/Operational
  • Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon/Operational
get.png clearing Windows log channels
get.png clearing Windows log channels

get.png disables Windows Defender, enables remote services, and clears the contents of:

  • C:WindowsTemp
  • C:WindowsLogs
  • C:$Recycle.Bin
  • C:windowsZAM.krnl.trace
get.png disabling Windows Defender and enabling remote services
get.png disabling Windows Defender and enabling remote services

get.png also verifies that the C: volume has at least 10 MB of free space to download files, storing them in C:WindowsFonts. If not, it will try to delete large files from the system before looking for another suitable volume with sufficient space and creating a folder under $RECYCLE.BINFonts.

To get the current DNS resolution for the C2 domain names, GHOSTENGINE uses a hardcoded list of DNS servers, and

Next, to establish persistence, get.png creates the following scheduled tasks as SYSTEM:

  • OneDriveCloudSync using msdtc to run the malicious service DLL C:WindowsSystem32oci.dll every 20 minutes (described later)
  • DefaultBrowserUpdate to run C:UsersPublicrun.bat, which downloads the get.png script and executes it every 60 minutes
  • OneDriveCloudBackup to execute C:WindowsFontssmartsscreen.exe every 40 minutes
Scheduled tasks for persistence
Scheduled tasks for persistence

get.png terminates all curl.exe processes and any PowerShell process with *get.png* in its command line, excluding the current process. This is a way to terminate any concurrently running instance of the malware.

This script then downloads config.txt, a JSON file containing the hashes of the PE files it retrieved. This file verifies whether any updated binaries are to be downloaded by checking the hashes of the previously downloaded files from any past infections.

config.txt file used to check for updated binaries
config.txt file used to check for updated binaries

Finally, get.png downloads all of its modules and various PE files. Below is a table containing a description of each downloaded file:

path Type Description
C:WindowsSystem32driversaswArPots.sys Kernel driver Vulnerable driver from Avast
C:WindowsSystem32driversIObitUnlockers.sys Kernel driver Vulnerable driver from IObit
C:WindowsFontscurl.exe PE executable Used to download files via cURL
C:WindowsFontssmartsscreen.exe PE executable Core payload (GHOSTENGINE), its main purpose is to deactivate security instrumentation, complete initial infection, and execute the miner.
C:WindowsSystem32oci.dll Service DLL Persistence/updates module
backup.png Powershell script Backdoor module
kill.png Powershell script A PowerShell script that injects and executes a PE file responsible for killing security sensors


GHOSTENGINE deploys several modules that can tamper with security tools, create a backdoor, and check for software updates.

EDR agent controller and miner module: smartsscreen.exe

This module primarily terminates any active EDR agent processes before downloading and installing a crypto-miner.

smartscreen.exe GHOSTENGINE module
smartscreen.exe GHOSTENGINE module

The malware scans and compares all the running processes with a hardcoded list of known EDR agents. If there are any matches, it first terminates the security agent by leveraging the Avast Anti-Rootkit Driver file aswArPots.sys with the IOCTL 0x7299C004 to terminate the process by PID.

smartscreen.exe is then used to delete the security agent binary with another vulnerable driver, iobitunlockers.sys from IObit, with the IOCTL 0x222124.

smartscreen.exe then downloads the XMRig client mining program (WinRing0x64.png) from the C2 server as taskhostw.png. Finally, it executes XMRig, its drivers, and the configuration file config.json, starting the mining process.

smartscreen.exe executing XMRig
smartscreen.exe executing XMRig

Update/Persistence module: oci.dll

The PowerShell script creates a service DLL (oci.dll), a phantom DLL loaded by msdtc. The DLL’s architecture varies depending on the machine; it can be 32-bit or 64-bit. Its primary function is to create system persistence and download any updates from the C2 servers by downloading the get.png script from the C2 and executing it.

oci.dll persistence/update mechanism
oci.dll persistence/update mechanism

Every time the msdtc service starts, it will load oci.dll to spawn the PowerShell one-liner that executes get.png :

oci.dll downloading and executing get.png
oci.dll downloading and executing get.png

EDR agent termination module: kill.png

kill.png is a PowerShell script that injects shellcode into the current process, decrypting and loading a PE file into memory.

kill.png injecting shellcode
kill.png injecting shellcode

This module is written in C++, and the authors have integrated redundancy into its operation. This redundancy is evident in the replication of the technique used in smartsscreen.exe to terminate and delete EDR agent binaries; it continuously scans for any new processes.

kill.png hardcoded security agent monitoring list
kill.png hardcoded security agent monitoring list

Powershell backdoor module: backup.png

The PowerShell script functions like a backdoor, enabling remote command execution on the system. It continually sends a Base64-encoded JSON object containing a unique ID, derived from the current time and the computer name while awaiting base64-encoded commands. The results of those commands are then sent back.

backup.png operating as a backdoor
backup.png operating as a backdoor

In this example eyJpZCI6IjE3MTU2ODYyNDA3MjYyNiIsImhvc3QiOiJhbmFseXNpcyJ9 is the Base64-encoded JSON object:

C2 Communication example of backup.png
C2 Communication example of backup.png
$ echo "eyJpZCI6IjE3MTU2ODYyNDA3MjYyNiIsImhvc3QiOiJhbmFseXNpcyJ9" | base64 -D

Miner configuration

XMRig is a legitimate crypto miner, and they have documented the configuration file usage and elements here. As noted at the beginning of this publication, the ultimate goal of the REF4578 intrusion set was to gain access to an environment and deploy a persistent Monero crypto miner, XMRig.

We extracted the configuration file from the miner, which was tremendously valuable as it allowed us to report on the Monero Payment ID and track the worker and pool statistics, mined cryptocurrency, transaction IDs, and withdrawals.

Below is an excerpt from the REF4578 XMRig configuration file:

    "autosave": false,
    "background": true,
    "colors": true,


    "donate-level": 0,
    "donate-over-proxy": 0,
    "pools": [
            "algo": "rx/0",
            "coin": "monero",
            "url": "pool.supportxmr[.]com:443",
            "user": "468ED2Qcchk4shLbD8bhbC3qz2GFXqjAUWPY3VGbmSM2jfJw8JpSDDXP5xpkMAHG98FHLmgvSM6ZfUqa9gvArUWP59tEd3f",
            "keepalive": true,
            "tls": true


    "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "verbose": 0,
    "watch": true,
    "pause-on-battery": false,
    "pause-on-active": false

Monero Payment ID

Monero is a blockchain cryptocurrency focusing on obfuscation and fungibility to ensure anonymity and privacy. The Payment ID is an arbitrary and optional transaction attachment that consists of 32 bytes (64 hexadecimal characters) or 8 bytes (in the case of integrated addresses).

Using the Payment ID from the above configuration excerpt (468ED2Qcchk4shLbD8bhbC3qz2GFXqjAUWPY3VGbmSM2jfJw8JpSDDXP5xpkMAHG98FHLmgvSM6ZfUqa9gvArUWP59tEd3f) we can view the worker and pool statistics on one of the Monero Mining Pool sites listed in the configuration.

Worker and pool statistics of the REF4578 Payment ID
Worker and pool statistics of the REF4578 Payment ID

Additionally, we can see the transaction hashes, which we can look up on the Monero blockchain explorer. Note that while transactions date back four months ago, this only indicates the potential monetary gain by this specific worker and account.

Payments for the REF4578 Payment ID
Payments for the REF4578 Payment ID

Using the Blockchain Explorer and one of the transaction hashes we got from the Payment ID, we can see the public key, the amount is withdrawn, and when. Note that these public keys are used with one-time addresses, or stealth addresses that the adversary would then use a private key with to unlock the funds.

Transactions for the REF4578 Payment ID
Transactions for the REF4578 Payment ID

In the above example for transaction 7c106041de7cc4c86cb9412a43cb7fc0a6ad2c76cfdb0e03a8ef98dd9e744442 we can see that there was a withdrawal of 0.109900000000 XMR (the abbreviation for Monero) totaling $14.86 USD. The Monerao Mining Pool site shows four transactions of approximately the same amount of XMR, totaling approximately $60.70 USD (January – March 2024).

As of the publication of this research, there are still active miners connected to the REF4578 Payment ID.

Miners actively connecting to the REF4578 Payment ID
Miners actively connecting to the REF4578 Payment ID

While this specific Payment ID does not appear to be a big earner, it is evident that REF4578 could operate this intrusion set successfully. Other victims of this campaign could have different Payment IDs used to track intrusions, which could be combined for a larger overall haul.

Malware and MITRE ATT&CK

Elastic uses the MITRE ATT&CK framework to document common tactics, techniques, and procedures that threats use against enterprise networks.


Tactics represent the why of a technique or sub-technique. It is the adversary’s tactical goal: the reason for performing an action.


Techniques represent how an adversary achieves a tactical goal by performing an action.



The first objective of the GHOSTENGINE malware is to incapacitate endpoint security solutions and disable specific Windows event logs, such as Security and System logs, which record process creation and service registration. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize the detection and prevention of these initial actions:

  • Suspicious PowerShell execution
  • Execution from unusual directories
  • Elevating privileges to system integrity
  • Deploying vulnerable drivers and establishing associated kernel mode services.

Once the vulnerable drivers are loaded, detection opportunities decrease significantly, and organizations must find compromised endpoints that stop transmitting logs to their SIEM.

Network traffic may generate and be identifiable if DNS record lookups point to known mining pool domains over well-known ports such as HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443). Stratum is also another popular network protocol for miners, by default, over port 4444.

The analysis of this intrusion set revealed the following detection rules and behavior prevention events:


Malicious Files Prevention :

GHOSTENGINE file prevention
GHOSTENGINE file prevention

Shellcode Injection Prevention:

GHOSTENGINE shellcode prevention
GHOSTENGINE shellcode prevention

Vulnerable Drivers file creation prevention (Windows.VulnDriver.ArPot and Windows.VulnDriver.IoBitUnlocker )

GHOSTENGINE driver prevention
GHOSTENGINE driver prevention


Elastic Security has created YARA rules to identify this activity.


All observables are also available for download in both ECS and STIX format.

The following observables were discussed in this research.

Observable Type Name Reference
2fe78941d74d35f721556697491a438bf3573094d7ac091b42e4f59ecbd25753 SHA-256 C:WindowsFontssmartsscreen.exe GHOSTENGINE EDR controller module
4b5229b3250c8c08b98cb710d6c056144271de099a57ae09f5d2097fc41bd4f1 SHA-256 C:WindowsSystem32driversaswArPots.sys Avast vulnerable driver
2b33df9aff7cb99a782b252e8eb65ca49874a112986a1c49cd9971210597a8ae SHA-256 C:WindowsSystem32driversIObitUnlockers.sys Iobit vulnerable driver
3ced0552b9ecf3dfecd14cbcc3a0d246b10595d5048d7f0d4690e26ecccc1150 SHA-256 C:WindowsSystem32oci.dll Update/Persistence module (64-bit)
3b2724f3350cb5f017db361bd7aae49a8dbc6faa7506de6a4b8992ef3fd9d7ab SHA-256 C:WindowsSystem32oci.dll Update/Persistence module (32-bit)
35eb368c14ad25e3b1c58579ebaeae71bdd8ef7f9ccecfc00474aa066b32a03f SHA-256 C:WindowsFontstaskhostw.exe Miner client
786591953336594473d171e269c3617d7449876993b508daa9b96eedc12ea1ca SHA-256 C:WindowsFontsconfig.json Miner configuration file
11bd2c9f9e2397c9a16e0990e4ed2cf0679498fe0fd418a3dfdac60b5c160ee5 SHA-256 C:WindowsFontsWinRing0x64.sys Miner driver
aac7f8e174ba66d62620bd07613bac1947f996bb96b9627b42910a1db3d3e22b SHA-256 C:ProgramDataMicrosoftDeviceSyncSystemSyncTiworker.exe Initial stager
6f3e913c93887a58e64da5070d96dc34d3265f456034446be89167584a0b347e SHA-256 backup.png GHOSTENGINE backdoor module
7c242a08ee2dfd5da8a4c6bc86231985e2c26c7b9931ad0b3ea4723e49ceb1c1 SHA-256 get.png GHOSTENGINE loader
cc4384510576131c126db3caca027c5d159d032d33ef90ef30db0daa2a0c4104 SHA-256 kill.png GHOSTENGINE EDR termination module
download.yrnvtklot[.]com domain C2 server
111.90.158[.]40 ipv4-addr C2 server
ftp.yrnvtklot[.]com domain C2 server
93.95.225[.]137 ipv4-addr C2 server
online.yrnvtklot[.]com domain C2 server


The following were referenced throughout the above research:
