CloudSEK’s ThreatXpose is a cutting-edge solution that streamlines the analysis of cybersecurity threats, enabling users to understand the who, what, and how of an attack in just 15 seconds. The platform features graphical representations for both XVigil and BeVigil events, providing critical insights into threat actors, targeted assets, and methodologies used in attacks. Affected: CloudSEK ThreatXpose
Keypoints :
- ThreatXpose provides a comprehensive understanding of threats in 15 seconds.
- AI-generated summaries offer quick, actionable insights for analysts.
- Graphical representation of threat events enhances clarity and understanding.
- For XVigil Events, the flow emphasizes the “who, what, and how” of each threat.
- For BeVigil Events, the focus is on assets, vulnerabilities, and potential impacts.
- Consolidated threat summaries provide critical information at a glance.
- CloudSEK aims to simplify cybersecurity challenges with user-focused solutions.
MITRE Techniques :
- MITRE Technique: TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures) – Used to outline the methodologies employed in the attacks.
Indicator of Compromise :
- [IoC Category] IoC Value: No IoCs Found
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