How APT Naming Conventions Make Us Less Safe

How APT Naming Conventions Make Us Less Safe
Summary: The commentary discusses the confusion created by the proliferation of advanced persistent threat (APT) naming conventions in the cybersecurity industry, which complicates tracking and defense strategies. It argues for a shift towards standardized naming and a more holistic approach to cybersecurity that focuses on entire adversary organizations rather than their subdivisions. This change is necessary to improve coordination, communication, and ultimately, the effectiveness of cybersecurity defenses.

Affected: Cybersecurity professionals, organizations at risk of cyber threats

Keypoints :

  • Inconsistent naming conventions for threat actor groups cause confusion among researchers and organizations.
  • Artificial subdivisions can create a false sense of security, leading to ineffective defensive strategies.
  • A standardized nomenclature and a holistic approach to understanding threat capabilities can enhance defensive measures and resilience against cyber attacks.
