Hidden Backdoors Uncovered in WordPress Malware Investigation

Hidden Backdoors Uncovered in WordPress Malware Investigation
This article discusses a real-life incident in which malware was found deeply embedded in a WordPress website, utilizing backdoors in must-use plugins to execute malicious code remotely. The malware exploits obfuscation and persistent methods to avoid detection, posing severe risks to website security and data integrity. Affected: WordPress websites

Keypoints :

  • Malware was found hidden in a WordPress website using files in the mu-plugins directory.
  • Must-use plugins are auto-loaded and evade standard deactivation methods.
  • Obfuscated PHP code was used to maintain malicious payloads and execute arbitrary code remotely.
  • Malware can lead to complete control over the server, potentially causing data theft and reputation damage.
  • Attackers employed multiple backdoors to ensure persistence in their control over the compromised site.
  • Regular scanning and website hardening are crucial for protection against malware and backdoors.

MITRE Techniques :

  • Tactic: Exfiltration (ID T1041) – Procedure: Attackers are remotely executing malicious code that can exfiltrate data from the infected server.
  • Tactic: Execution (ID T1203) – Procedure: Executing arbitrary code via evaluated payloads fetched from external sources.
  • Tactic: Command and Control (ID T1071) – Procedure: Utilizing external HTTP requests to maintain control over the compromised site.
  • Tactic: Persistence (ID T1053) – Procedure: Installing additional backdoors to ensure long-term access to the server.

Indicator of Compromise :

  • [File] /wp-content/mu-plugins/index.php
  • [File] /wp-content/mu-plugins/test-mu-plugin.php
  • [Directory] /wp-content/uploads/2024/12/
  • [URL] http://malicious[. ]com/path (example of a generic malicious URL structure)
  • [Base64-Encoded PHP] ZmlsZV9nZXRfY29udGVudHM=

Full Story: https://blog.sucuri.net/2025/02/hidden-backdoors-uncovered-in-wordpress-malware-investigation.html