HackNeT Allegedly Targeted Ireland Due to EU Elections

Threat Actor: HackNeT | HackNeT
Victim: Ireland | Ireland
Price: Not specified
Exfiltrated Data Type: Not specified

Additional Information :

  • Russian hacker group NoName057 announced their plans to attack Europe during the European Parliament elections.
  • HackNeT allegedly targeted Ireland during the elections.
  • The threat actor attacked the websites of Ireland’s election portal and National Transport Authority.
  • The message from HackNeT on their Telegram channel includes CheckHost links.
  • More attacks on other countries may be expected in the upcoming days.
  • The European Parliament elections were scheduled for June 6 to June 9, 2024.

Since the war between Russia and Ukraine started, threat actors with Russian origin have increased their cyberattacks on entities supporting Ukraine. After the European Parliament elections started on June 6, 2024 Russian hacker group NoName057 announced their plans to attack Europe.

On the second day of the elections, we see an attack announcement from HackNeT, allegedly targeting Ireland. The threat actor shares their alleged actions from their Telegram channel, including images as proof of their illicit activities.

The post on their Telegram channel highlights the second day of the European Parliament elections, and they state their specific focus on Ireland. Allegedly, the threat actor attacked the websites of Ireland’s election portal and National Transport Authority. The message also includes CheckHost links.

Since attackers are highlighting the days and connecting each day to certain countries, we may see more attacks on other countries in the upcoming days. The European Parliament elections were scheduled for June 6 to June 9, 2024.

Original Source: https://dailydarkweb.net/hacknet-allegedly-targeted-ireland-because-of-eu-elections/