Hackers Claim Ticketmaster Data Breach: 560M User Details and Payment Card Exposed

Hackers Claim Ticketmaster Data Breach: 560M User Details and Payment Card Exposed

In a dramatic turn of events, hackers have claimed a massive data breach involving Ticketmaster, allegedly exposing the details of 560 million users and their payment card information.

This claim has catapulted BreachForums into the spotlight, providing the platform with the quick attention it needs to boost its user numbers and reputation.

According to the tweet from Cyberknow, the timing of this claim is particularly notable, as BreachForums had been shut down by law enforcement just weeks ago.

While the claim has generated significant media hype, there are questions about its legitimacy.

The evidence shared includes new and old customer information, suggesting that the data might be a compilation of various sources rather than a single, cohesive breach.

This raises doubts about the claim’s authenticity that 1.3 terabytes of data have been compromised.

Cross-Posted Claim

Interestingly, the post about the Ticketmaster breach appears to have been cross-posted.

Shinyhunters, a well-known hacker group, has shared the alleged data on BreachForums.

However, a similar post was found on Exploit Forum by a user named ‘Spiderman.’

The identical nature of these posts casts further doubt on the claim’s legitimacy, as it seems unlikely that Shinyhunters would undermine BreachForums by sharing the data on multiple platforms.

Upon reviewing the shared data, several points stand out:

  • There are 54 email addresses in the currently shared data.
  • None of the emails are linked to current dates; they are all from 2018 or earlier.
  • The emails appear to be a mix of UK and US addresses.
  • The new data from 2023/2024 seems to relate to ticket sale information and does not include any personal information.

At this stage, it is difficult to confirm or deny the claim’s legitimacy.

While some recent Ticketmaster data are exposed, it is unclear if the threat actors truly possess data on over 560 million users.

Given the questionable aspects of this claim, it is advisable to remain cautious.

Stay alert but not alarmed, as fanning the flames of this claim only serves to promote BreachForums.

Source: Original Post