Google refuses to deny it received encryption order from UK government

Google refuses to deny it received encryption order from UK government
Summary: A bipartisan group of U.S. Congress members has raised concerns over the British government’s secret legal order demanding U.S. technology companies, including Google and Apple, provide access to encrypted messages. Apple is contesting a Technical Capability Notice (TCN) in a closed court, while both companies are unable to publicly confirm or deny receipt of such orders due to U.K. law. Experts call for greater transparency regarding government attempts to access encrypted communication.

Affected: Google, Apple, U.K. government

Keypoints :

  • The British government issued a secret legal demand, known as a TCN, to Apple.
  • U.S. companies like Google are prohibited from confirming receipt of technical capabilities notices under U.K. law.
  • Congress members criticize the lack of transparency surrounding these legal demands and their impact on privacy oversight.
  • Experts argue that government attempts to access encrypted messages should be more transparent and accountable.
