Exploits for unpatched Parallels Desktop flaw give root on Macs

Exploits for unpatched Parallels Desktop flaw give root on Macs
Summary: A security vulnerability in Parallels Desktop allows attackers to gain root access on Mac devices due to a failure in code signature verification. Security researcher Mickey Jin publicly disclosed two exploits following the vendorโ€™s inability to address the flaw for over seven months. Users are urged to take proactive measures as the vulnerability remains unpatched across all known versions of the software.

Affected: Parallels Desktop for Mac

Keypoints :

  • Two exploits have been demonstrated that bypassed the vendorโ€™s previous security fixes.
  • The vulnerability stems from a flaw in code signature verification, allowing unauthorized code to be executed with root privileges.
  • Despite attempts to inform Parallels, the vulnerability remains unfixed, affecting all versions of the software including the latest release.

Source: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/exploits-for-unpatched-parallels-desktop-flaw-give-root-on-macs/