Data Breach Exposes Over 128,000 Mobility Compare Customers

Threat Actor: Unknown | unknown
Victim: Mobility Compare | Mobility Compare
Price: Available for download on dark web
Exfiltrated Data Type: Personal information

Key Points :

  • Data breach occurred in September 2024.
  • Exposed sensitive information of over 128,000 customers.
  • Compromised data includes full names, contact numbers, email addresses, postcodes, and physical addresses.
  • Details of specific service inquiries were also included in the breach.
  • The stolen database is being sold or shared on illicit platforms.

A threat actor recently posted a data dump on a dark web forum, claiming responsibility for a significant breach at Mobility Compare, a UK-based service provider specializing in mobility products. The breach, which reportedly took place in September 2024, exposed the sensitive information of more than 128,000 customers.

According to the post, the compromised data includes full names, contact numbers, email addresses, postcodes, physical addresses, and details of specific service inquiries.

The announcement offers the stolen database for download, marking yet another instance of personal information being sold or shared on illicit platforms.

The post Alleged Data Breach Exposes Over 128,000 Mobility Compare Customers appeared first on Daily Dark Web.