Curated list of bookmarks that are usefulf or OSINT activities. They are broken down into appropriate categories such as:

  • Search Engines
  • Services Lists
  • Leak Sites (to monitor if yours or your organisations information may be exposed)
  • Chat & File Sharing

The file is designed to be imported into your TOR bookmarks manager (you need TOR browser installed) using the following method:

  1. Download & Unzip the file above. You will end up with bookmarks-tor.html
  2. Go to Bookmarks-> Manage Bookmarks (CTRL+SHIFT+O or navigate from the top-right menu in the TOR browser)
  3. The categories will be folders in the bookmarks manager. Drag it to your Bookmarks Toolbar or wherever you feel comfortable accessing the bookmarks.

Bookmark :

Source :

Search Engines

Ahmia — Search Tor Hidden Serviceshaystak: the darknet search engineTor66 – Search and Find .onion websitesThe Original Dark Web Search Engine | Torch!Kilos | DDOS ProtectionDark Search EnginerGoogle.onionPhobos DarkNet SearchTORMAX – Search EngineGDARK – Darknet Search Engine

Services Lists

The Hidden WikiOnionLinksHome – Onion.LiveHidden Wiki – – your ride to the Which darknet sites are online?

Leak Sites


Chat & File Sharing

🧅 OnionShare