“Cyberattack Targets Icelandic Newspaper Morgunblaðið and Radio Station K100, Causing Major Disruptions”

Date Reported: 2024-06-23
Country: Iceland
Victim: Morgunblaðið | mbl.is
Additional Information :

  • A cyberattack targeted the Icelandic newspaper Morgunblaðið and its radio station K100, causing significant disruptions.
  • The publisher, Árvakur, has restricted access to its platforms from outside of Iceland.
  • The hackers stole and encrypted data on Árvakur’s intranet.
  • The Cert-is intervened by blocking foreign traffic.
  • The attack is attributed to the hacker group Akira, which has previously targeted other Icelandic entities.

Article: https://www.icelandreview.com/de/gesellschaft-de/cyberattacke-auf-herausgeber-des-morgunbladid/

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