Credit Card Skimmer and Backdoor on WordPress E-commerce Site

Credit Card Skimmer and Backdoor on WordPress E-commerce Site
The increasing sophistication of e-commerce malware has led to serious security threats for platforms such as WordPress WooCommerce. A recent case uncovered a coordinated attack involving a credit card skimmer, a hidden backdoor file manager, and a reconnaissance script, aimed at stealing customer data and maintaining long-term access. Immediate action is required to mitigate the impacts of such threats. Affected: WordPress, WooCommerce, e-commerce platforms

Keypoints :

  • Attackers are using sophisticated tactics to target e-commerce platforms.
  • A customer reported suspicious files and unusual checkout behavior on their WordPress site.
  • The malware included a credit card skimmer, a backdoor file manager, and a reconnaissance script.
  • The attack was financially motivated, focusing on stealing credit card information.
  • Malicious IPs and domains used in the attack have been blocklisted.
  • The impact of such malware includes financial loss, reputational damage, and potential PCI violations.
  • Preventative measures include regular security audits, malware removal, and implementation of web application firewalls.

MITRE Techniques :

  • Web Service (T1102): Used to transmit stolen data to the attacker’s server through a fake image request.
  • Remote File Copy (T1105): Leveraged a PHP backdoor to copy files or execute commands remotely on the server.
  • Data Obfuscation (T1001): The credit card skimmer code was heavily obfuscated to avoid detection and analysis.
  • Credential Dumping (T1003): The hidden file manager could be used to access and manipulate credentials or sensitive files.

Indicator of Compromise :

  • [Malicious IP]
  • [Malicious IP]
  • [Malicious Domain] imageresizefix[.]com
  • [Malicious Domain] imageinthebox[.]com
  • [URL] https://imageresizefix[.]com/pixel_info/img-sort.php?validator=ENCODED_DATA

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