The article discusses the ongoing activities of the cybercriminal group Cloud Atlas, which has been targeting organizations in Russia and Belarus since 2014. They utilize cloud services for command-and-control operations and have evolved their malware tools, including the PowerShower backdoor and VBShower. A recent phishing campaign aimed at government employees was investigated, revealing sophisticated techniques such as remote template injection and the use of Google Sheets as a C2 server. Affected: Yandex Disk, Google Sheets
Keypoints :
- Cloud Atlas has targeted organizations in Russia and Belarus since 2014.
- They utilize cloud services, specifically Yandex Disk, for command-and-control operations.
- The group has developed various malware tools, including PowerShower and VBShower.
- A phishing campaign targeting government employees was discovered in November 2024.
- Malicious documents used in the campaign employed remote template injection techniques.
- Google Sheets was used as a command-and-control server in this campaign.
- The attackers refined their tactics and tools over time, increasing the sophistication of their malware.
MITRE Techniques :
- T1583: Acquire Infrastructure – Cloud Atlas utilized the server officeconfirm.technoguides[.]org for storing remote templates.
- T1566.001: Phishing: Spearphishing Attachment – Phishing emails with malicious content were sent from the domain.
- T1204.002: User Execution: Malicious File – Malicious DOC files were sent via phishing emails.
- T1059.001: Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell – PowerShell scripts were used to load and run components.
- T1059.005: Command and Scripting Interpreter: Visual Basic – Visual Basic scripts were utilized to execute commands.
- T1140: Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information – Cloud Atlas decrypted payloads to execute malicious code.
- T1574.002: Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Side-Loading – The DLL Side-Loading technique was used to execute malicious code.
Indicator of Compromise :
- [domain]
- [domain] officeconfirm.technoguides[.]org
- [ip address] 79.143.87[.]233
- [ip address] 188.127.235[.]216
- [file name] CiscoSparkLauncher.dll
- Check the article for all found IoCs.
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