Summary: In 2024, Taiwanese government networks faced an alarming rise in cyber-attacks, averaging 2.4 million daily, primarily attributed to Chinese state-backed hackers. This marks a significant escalation from the previous year’s figures, highlighting the intensifying cyber threat landscape in the region.
Threat Actor: Chinese state-backed hackers | Chinese state-backed hackers
Victim: Taiwanese government networks | Taiwanese government networks
Key Point :
- Daily cyber-attacks on Taiwan’s government networks doubled from 1.2 million in 2023 to 2.4 million in 2024.
- Critical industries in Taiwan, including telecommunications and transportation, have seen significant increases in targeted attacks.
- Chinese hackers employ various techniques such as exploiting vulnerabilities, social engineering, and DDoS attacks to compromise Taiwan’s infrastructure.
- Cyber operations aim to steal confidential data and undermine the credibility of the Taiwanese government.
- Taiwan’s joint security defense mechanism has been effective in sharing threat information in real-time.