The SonicWall CaptureLabs threat research team have been recently tracking ransomware created using the Chaos ransomware builder. The builder appeared in June 2021 and has been used by many operators to infect victims and demand payment for file retrieval. The sample we analyzed lead us to a conversation with the operator who freely gave up the decryptor program.
Infection Cycle
Upon initial infection, files on the system are encrypted and given a random filename extension made up of 4 alphanumeric characters:
Figure 1: Encrypted files
hahaha.txt is written to all directories containing encrypted files. It contains the following message:
Figure 2: Ransom note
The code is written in .NET and easy to decompile using an open source decompiler.
The decompiled code shows a list of target directories:
Figure 3: Targeted directories
It contains a list of file extensions to target:
Figure 4: Targeted file extensions
It disables system recovery modes and deletes shadow copies and system backups:
Figure 5: Disabling system recovery
An image is embedded in the executable file and is base64 encoded:
Figure 6: Image base64 encoded
Figure 7: Converting image from base64
After base64 decoding, the following image is displayed on the desktop background:
Figure 8: Ransom desktop image
The ransom note states “pls write to discord kakoy_to_chel_ on discord”. We contacted the operator on discord and had the following conversation:
Figure 9: Initial conversation with operator
decryptor-decrypter.zip contains the following files:
Figure 10: Contents of zip file
It contains the private key for decrypting files:
Figure 11: Private key for decryptor
We ask the operator why they created the malware but their intentions are unclear:
Figure 12: Conversation with operator continued
Figure 13: Asking the operator about their reason for creating the malware
The operator confirms that Chaos ransomware builder was used to create the malware:
Figure 14: The operator confirms the use of the Chaos Ransomware Builder
SonicWall Capture Labs provides protection against this threat via the following signature:
- GAV: Chaos.RSM(Trojan)
This threat is also detected by SonicWall Capture ATP w/RTDMI and the Capture Client endpoint solutions.
Source: Original Post