Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS) platforms have facilitated the rise of sophisticated Adversary-in-the-Middle (AiTM) phishing attacks, posing significant challenges to cybersecurity. Darktrace’s AI solutions, including Darktrace / EMAIL, effectively counter these threats by identifying and neutralizing phishing attempts. The emergence of tools like Mamba 2FA highlights the need for advanced security measures to protect sensitive information.
#PhaaS #AiTM #Darktrace
Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS) platforms have facilitated the rise of sophisticated Adversary-in-the-Middle (AiTM) phishing attacks, posing significant challenges to cybersecurity. Darktrace’s AI solutions, including Darktrace / EMAIL, effectively counter these threats by identifying and neutralizing phishing attempts. The emergence of tools like Mamba 2FA highlights the need for advanced security measures to protect sensitive information.
#PhaaS #AiTM #Darktrace
- PhaaS platforms lower entry barriers for cybercriminals, enabling sophisticated phishing attacks.
- Adversary-in-the-Middle (AiTM) phishing kits allow attackers to intercept and manipulate communications in real-time.
- Mamba 2FA targets Microsoft 365 users, employing tactics to bypass multi-factor authentication (MFA).
- The phishing mechanism includes creating convincing decoy pages and using real-time communication to capture sensitive data.
- Mamba 2FA employs evasion techniques to avoid detection by security tools.
- Darktrace’s AI-driven solutions have successfully detected and neutralized Mamba 2FA phishing attempts.
- Unusual email rules created by compromised accounts can conceal malicious activities.
- Darktrace’s Autonomous Response actions effectively contain potential threats and allow for security investigations.
MITRE Techniques:
- Initial Access (T1566): Utilizes phishing campaigns to compromise accounts.
- Credential Access (T1534): Steals web session cookies during phishing attacks.
- Persistence (T1136): Manipulates Outlook rules to maintain access to compromised accounts.
- Defense Evasion (T1070): Employs evasion techniques to avoid detection by security tools.
- Discovery (T1087): Monitors cloud service dashboards for unusual activities.
- Resource Development (T1583): Compromises accounts for further exploitation.
- Privilege Escalation (T1068): Gains elevated access through compromised accounts.
- [IP Address] 2607:5500:3000:fea[::]
- [IP Address] 2607:5500:3000:1cab[:]2
- [IP Address] 45.133.172[.]86
- [IP Address] 102.68.111[.]240
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