Between 27 and 29 May 2024, international law enforcement agencies and partners conducted the Operation Endgame to disrupt criminal services, notably through taking down key botnet infrastructures, including those of IcedID, SystemBC, PikaBot, SmokeLoader and BumbleBee.

The Sekoia TDR team supported the French law enforcement agencies by providing valuable cyber threat intelligence, in particular on PikaBot.…

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This time, we’re not revealing a new cyber threat investigation or analysis, but I want to share some insights about the team behind all Sekoia Threat Intelligence and Detection Engineering reports. Let me introduce you to the Sekoia TDR team.

TL;DR Sekoia Threat Detection & Research (TDR) is a multidisciplinary team dedicated to Cyber Threat Intelligence and Detection Engineering for the Sekoia SOC Platform.…
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This report was originally published for our customers on 14 May 2024.

Executive summary The DoppelGänger campaign is an ongoing influence campaign, starting from May 2022 and attributed to the Structura National Technologies (Structura) and the Social Design Agency (SDA), which are two Russian entities. The primary goal of DoppelGänger is to diminish support for Ukraine in the wake of Russian aggression and to foster divisions within nations backing Ukraine.…
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This report was originally published for our customers on 2 May 2024.

As part of our critical vulnerabilities monitoring routine, Sekoia’s Threat & Detection Research (TDR) team deploys and supervises honeypots in different locations around the world to identify potential exploitations.

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Recently, our team observed an incident involving our MS-SQL (Microsoft SQL) honeypot.…

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Executive Summary In 2024 multiple worldwide elections will be held with 54% of the world population called to vote. Electoral results can potentially influence the geopolitical landscape, making elections a prime target for cyber offensive operations aimed to influence the outcome. conducted a general assessment of past elections impacted by cyber attacks, identifying four categories of operations : hack-and-leak operations following a cyber intrusion; information and cyber influence campaigns; attempted cyber disruption of the voting process; and lucrative campaigns impacting the electoral process.…
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Key Takeaways In September 2023, we successfully sinkholed a command and control server linked to the PlugX worms. For just $7, we acquired the unique IP address tied to a variant of this worm, which had been previously documented by Sophos. Almost four years after its initial launch, between ~90,000 to ~100,000 unique public IP addresses are still infected, sending distinctive PlugX requests daily to our sinkhole.…
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To enhance our threat intelligence, improve detection and identify new threats, analysts perform continuous hunting and detection engineering every day to give our customers more options to protect themselves. Threat Detection & Research (TDR) team is there to fill our SOC platform with detection rules and CTI.…

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To enhance our threat intelligence, improve detection and identify new threats, Sekoia analysts engage in continuous hunting to address the main threats affecting our customers. For this, we proactively search and identify emerging threats, using our telemetry data, internal tools and external services.

In October 2023, our daily threat hunting routine led us to uncover a new Adversary-in-The-Middle (AiTM) phishing kit allegedly used by multiple threat actors to carry out widespread and effective attacks.…

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Written by World Watch team from CERT Orange Cyberdefense (Marine PICHON, Vincent HINDERER, Maël SARP and Ziad MASLAH) and Sekoia TDR team (Livia TIBIRNA, Amaury G. and Grégoire CLERMONT)

TL;DR Residential proxies are intermediaries that allow an Internet connection to appear as coming from another host; This method allows a user to hide the real origin and get an enhanced privacy or an access to geo-restricted content; Residential proxies represent a growing threat in cyberspace, frequently used by attacker groups to hide among legitimate traffic, but also in a legitimate way; The ecosystem of these proxies is characterised by a fragmented and deregulated offering in legitimate and cybercrime webmarkets; To obtain an infrastructure up to several million hosts, residential proxies providers use techniques that can mislead users who install third-party software; With millions of IP addresses available, they represent a massive challenge to be detected by contemporary security solutions; Defending against this threat requires increased vigilance over the origin of traffic, which may not be what it seems, underlining the importance of a cautious and informed approach to managing network traffic; This joint report is built on extensive research from…
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Since the onset of the War in Ukraine, various groups identified as “nationalist hacktivists” have emerged, particularly on the Russian side, to contribute to the confrontation between Kyiv and Moscow. Among these entities, the pro-Russian group NoName057(16) has garnered attention through the initiation of Project DDoSia, a collective endeavour aimed at conducting large-scale distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, targeting entities (private corporations, ministries and public institutions) belonging to countries supporting Ukraine, predominantly NATO member states.…

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Scattered Spider (aka UNC3944, Scatter Swine, Muddled Libra, Octo Tempest, Oktapus, StarFraud) is a lucrative intrusion set active since at least May 2022, primarily engaged in social engineering, ransomware, extortion campaigns and other advanced techniques.

The intrusion set employs state-of-the-art techniques, particularly related to social engineering, such as impersonation of IT personnel to deceive employees for targeted phishing, SIM swapping, leverage of MFA fatigue, and contact with victims’ support teams.…

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In the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape, Identity and Access Management (IAM) stands as the cornerstone of an organisation’s digital asset protection. IAM solutions play an essential role in managing user identities, controlling access to resources and ensuring compliance. As the digital threat landscape is constantly increasing in complexity, the need for visibility of IAM events has become paramount to detect attacks as early as possible before impact.…

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