Short Summary:

This article discusses the use of CyberChef to deobfuscate a .vbs loader for Nanocore malware. It outlines the obfuscation techniques used in the malware and provides a step-by-step guide on how to utilize CyberChef’s features to reverse the obfuscation process effectively.

Key Points:

CyberChef is a powerful tool for malware analysis and deobfuscation.…
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This post is a continuation of "Malware Unpacking With Hardware Breakpoints".

Here we will be utilising Ghidra to locate the shellcode, analyse the decryption logic and obtain the final decrypted content using Cyberchef.

Locating the Shellcode Decryption Function In Ghidra

At the point where the hardware breakpoint was first triggered, the primary executable was likely in the middle of the decryption function.…

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Leveraging Ghidra to establish context and intent behind suspicious strings. Taking things one step further after initial analysis tooling like Pe-Studio and Detect-it-easy.

This is a great technique for working with Ghidra and establishing a starting point for analysis. It reduces total investigation time and allows one to determine why and how a string is contained within a file.…

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In this blog, we'll use Ghidra to analyse a suspicious imported function identified with PeStudio.

This forms a basic and repeatable workflow within Ghidra, where imported functions are cross-referenced to establish context and intent.

Not only does this establish context, but it almost always establishes an area of code that you can begin to work from within Ghidra.…

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In this post, we will investigate a Vidar Malware sample containing suspicious encrypted strings. We will use Ghidra cross references to analyse the strings and identify the location where they are used.

Using this we will locate a string decryption function, and utilise a debugger to intercept input and output to obtain decrypted strings.…

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We're all used to the regular CyberChef operations like "From Base64", From Decimal and the occasional magic decode or xor. But what happens when we need to do something more advanced?

Cyberchef contains many advanced operations that are often ignored in favour of Python scripting. Few are aware of the more complex operations of which Cyberchef is capable.…

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In this blog we will identify 36 Latrodectus phishing domains through passive DNS analysis of a domain reported on Twitter/X.

The initial reported domain leverages 302 redirects to send users to a malicious or benign file. The URL present in the 302 redirect is re-used across numerous domains and we can leverage this information to identify additional infrastructure.…

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This post will dive into a Latrodectus loader that leverages junk comments and wmi commands to obfuscate functionality and download a remote .msi file.

There are three “stages” to this sample, which can be decoded through a combination of regular expressions and CyberChef.

Obtaining Initial Sample

The initial sample can be found on Malware Bazaar and was initially uploaded by pr0xylife

SHA256: 71fb25cc4c05ce9dd94614ed781d85a50dccf69042521abc6782d48df85e6de9

Initial Sample Review

The initial sample is a relatively large 845KB, which is large for a script based file.…

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We’re all used to the regular CyberChef operations like “From Base64”, From Decimal and the occasional magic decode or xor. But what happens when we need to do something more advanced?

Cyberchef contains many advanced operations that are often ignored in favour of Python scripting. Few are aware of the more complex operations of which Cyberchef is capable.…

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